Chapter Ten

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my destiny lies within your very hands
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"M-Maze?" His voice was weak, the hangover working like a hammer constantly banging onto his temples like it was a drum. She looked up from her book and Ethan frowned at her blurred form as he noticed how she was seated at the edge of the bed.

Ethan also noticed that his glasses weren't laying on his nightstand like they usually did and opened the drawer to take on a spare pair. He looked around confused.

"W-where's A-Ace?"

Maze just furrowed her brows.


"Y-Yeah, she took care of me last night..." he whimpered lowly as he pushed himself up to sit against the backrest of the bed. He raised his hand to watch it being bandaged and couldn't help but smile.

"I don't know, I found you here in your bed" she lied through her teeth with ease. The corners of her mouth twitching as she recalled the memories of last night, purposely leaving some parts out to spare her short temper.

"I need to thank her" He suddenly muttered to himself and Maze couldn't help but feel her insides flutter just a little by it. The room fell silent as Ethan got lost in thought as he stared into thin air. Maze just watched him, curios of how long he could sit like this, debating with himself as his thoughts ran marathons in his head.

It wasn't until a few minutes later Ethan suddenly flinched, causing Maze to almost lose her book in shock. "Birgitte!" He gasped, hands searching for his phone in the sheets frantically. When he finally found it, he was met with a text he all but expected.

I saw you take off with that black-haired woman - salutes to you!
I just went home. Text me tomorrow when you wake up!

Ethan felt his stomach sink.

I went home with Ace? He thought to himself in shock, nothing adding up in his head at the moment. Immediately Ethan's fingers ran over the keyboard on his phone, answering.

I'm so sorry! I got pretty wasted last night. I must've been the worst company.
Thank you for understanding, but I will make it up to you. I promise. How about lunch someday next week? My treat.

Almost immediately after sending the message his phone buzzed as he received an answer from Birgitte.

No problem. I knew you were pretty down so I thought it would help you to get your mind off of things. Of course, I understand. And yes, I'm totally in.
Besides you leaving turned out to be quite the win for me actually. I met someone!
Tell you all about it next week!

Ethan was about to answer when his phone was suddenly snatched out of his hand.

Maze grumpily placed it on the nightstand before she asked, "Where's the painkillers?"

Ethan looked at her for a few seconds before his gaze briefly went over to his nightstand.

"O-oh no, I-I'm f-fine" he stuttered out, but as if his body was working against him the headache returned on full force, causing Ethan to scrunch his face into a grimace.

Maze rolled her eyes and went to his drawer, since she had notice how his gaze flickered over there. She rummaged through his stuff, accidentally coming across a few letters and something small wrapped up in toilet paper, before she finally came across what she was looking for. She seated herself on the edge of his small bed, bending over him.

"Open" she demanded, placing the pill against his quivering lips, but Ethan just shook his head.

"Do I have to force the pills down your throat?" She asked with a scoff, before she shot her hand down to his pants and squeezed the bulge resting underneath the fabric. Ethan yelped and Maze used the opportunity to place the pill on his tongue, placing her other hand over his soft lips, brushing the sensitive skin in her palm. "Swallow" she said more firmly as she felt her lower south clench in lust. Ethan sighted deeply but obeyed, too tired to put up any more of a fight.

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