v. mollify.

103 8 6

i am at war with myself, and i fear that the pillars holding my mind will crumble leaving me maddened, with no clue as to what to do.

i see myself sinking, and falling in an endless loophole. i feel my skin burn and my eyes melt, and i know that i have died my first death.

i hear whispers from so many voices, all distorted and torn and bent and broken, like me. i feel only one thing, fear and anger.

i can't help myself, everything is happening too fast, i see flashes of my memories, the ones i used to hold dear. they dissipate and vanish slowly, as if melting away.

give me my persona back, give me back my mask, let me shield myself from it all, i am unclothed and in pain, it hurts.

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