Chapter 1: Back To My Roots

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We have just touched down on the runway. Thank you for your cooperation and have a great day in beautiful New York City."
This is what I hear as I wake up. I have just flown all the way across the country to go live with my aunt and her family. My mother is a photographer and is taking a trip to Brazil for a year or so, and I need to stay in school. So now I'm here, a fresh start from all the drama that comes with living in LA. I gather my things, head off the plane and head down to the pick up area. As I'm coming down the escalator, I spot my cousin Ned, holding a sign that says "Welcome to NYC, Holly!"
I run down the stairs as well as I can with all my bags and give him a big hug.
"Ned, I missed you guys!" I say as he wraps his arms around me.
"We missed you too! I can't wait for you to meet all my friends at Midtown Tech, they are gonna love you!" We finish the embrace and he grabs my bag and we walk out to my aunts car.
My Aunt Carmen is waiting in her beat up van that's she's had ever since me and Ned were little.
"Holly, it's been so long! Look how beautiful you've gotten!" she leans over and gives me a hug before i've even sat down.
"thanks auntie! I'm so glad I'm here!" My voice is muffled from getting squeezed to death.
My aunt finally releases me and smiles. "So are we. Come on, let's get you home and all settled in. It's just gonna be us two tonight, Ned has a decathlon practice tonight."
Ned, looking like he's about to smack his mom says,"I was actually thinking of bringing Holly and introducing her to everyone." Auntie smiles at Ned, clearly thrilled at his offer.
"Perfect! You'll love Ned's friends. Remember Peter? Him and Ned are still BFFs!" Ned gives his mom a death stare, turning red as a tomato.
Oh yes. I remember Peter. The last time I saw him he was a little 12 year old with braces and glasses, and was obsessed with star wars. Let's just say we definitely didn't get along well. He was always pestering me and teasing me about my uneven hair, which my aunt had to cut because PETER SHOVED GUM IN MY HAIR. So yeah i remember Peter, and i'm ready to get back at him for the worse summer of my life.

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