Chapter 2: Decathon Practice

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I walked out into the living room, where an impatient Ned was waiting for me so we could head to his meeting. I had been in my new room all afternoon, setting up everything I brought with me and trying to get rid of the smell of old books, since my room used to be a storage room.
"We are gonna be late..could you have taken any longer?" Ned puffs as he grabs his jacket. My aunt shoots him a look. Ned is back to his old self.
"Ned, be nice. She was settling in." Ned roles his eyes again. I grab my jacket and my phone and stick up for Ned, which is just an instinct at this point. "It's alright, I lost track of time. Let's go, Ned so I don't make you anymore late."
We catch the subway and arrive at Midtown Tech, with very little time to spare. Ned is all stressed because he was supposed to meet Peter at the steps 20 minutes before the meeting, and Peter probably didn't wait around for him and went inside. "Holly, hurry up before the meeting starts Peter is probably super mad at me." I roll my eyes but follow him through the school.
We start around the corner into the room and I run right into someone. "oh my goodness I'm so sorry!" i exclaim. I look up and see these gorgeous brown eyes staring back at me. Ned comes up behind me and sighs. "Oh hey Peter. Do you remember my cousin Holly?"
Peter? That's Peter? he's changed so much. He got rid of his braces and ditched the glasses, and now his hair is a little longer and actually kinda cute.
My thoughts are interrupted when Peter says, "Oh yes, I remember Holly. Sorry about how I used to tease you and everything, I was a stupid little kid back then." He really has changed. this is not the Peter I know.
"It's fine, that's in the past. Sorry for bumping into you by the way." I laugh nervously.
" oh no worries. I was coming out to call Ned anyway-the meeting is about to start." Peter gestures for me to walk in first, and him and Ned follow behind.
Ned introduces me to the rest of the team and the captain, Liz. She's super pretty and smart, she seems like the type to become friends with.
After the meeting, I walk up to Liz. "Hey Liz, thanks for letting me check out the team. Everyone seems super cool and i'd love to join the team to make some friends." She smiles at me, but it feels more fake then anything else. "oh thanks, we work super hard. If you wanna join you can be a backup." but she doesn't seem to be looking at me, but Peter whose standing a little ways behind me laughing with Ned.
"So are you and Peter.." She asks me, raising an eyebrow. She didn't seem super friendly anymore, more like she's accusing me of doing something wrong.
"Oh no, we've known each other ever since we were little since i would come to visit Ned every summer."
"Oh ok. well I hope to see you at the next meeting." she turns and walks away suddenly, which is a bit strange. She's still looking at Peter as we are all walking out.
Ned and I ride the subway home with Peter. Ned fills him in on everything in my life the last few years, and when I say everything I mean EVERYTHING. But he isn't paying attention, he's looking at me. This happened earlier a few times, but I didn't think anything of it, but now it's a little weird.
"this is our stop. Well see you tomorrow Peter." Ned starts to get off but Peter taps me before I get up.
"Oh um yeah. Bye Holly, it was nice to see you again." He smiles wide. Oh wow he has dimples now.
"Yeah it was nice to see you Peter, see you tomorrow!" I grab my bag from the seat next to me and walk off the subway.
Ned and I walk home, and I finish setting up my room before going to bed. Little do I know what's in store for tomorrow...

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