Sick, Tired, Smiling, Dying {} Chapter 3

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Jackson's P.O.V.
I got up from the ground and walked out the bathroom.I saw Seonghwa and San playing with random stuff they found.I headed towards them with a fake smile.

"Hi guys." I said.They looked at me worriedly and Seonghwa immediently asked, "Jackson? You didn't do it again right?"I pouted and shook my head, "No.Why would I do those awful stuff?" I signed with a puppy face, hoping he wouldn't get suspicous."You sure?" San asked.

"Yeah.Stop worrying about me guys...but thanks for the concern." I signed with my fingers.

"Okay." Both males said with a 'whew' kind of look.I smiled at them and then we began playing.I love both of my hyungs.They treat me like a younger brother...That's what I love about them... But they only show their soft spots to me.
Hehe...But...I can't help but still feel sadness and emtiness inside me.

"I love you guys." I signed.Seonghwa smiled and San ruffled my hair, "We love you too buddy." They both said.Until the doctor called them, "#1994 and 1995, will you please come to the room." They both gave cold looks to the doctor and turn back at me just to sadly smile.Then they got up and disappeared into the room.

"What will I ever do without those two?" I asked myself in my mind and chuckled, but still feeling sad a scared at the thought of that really happening.I shuddered as I felt a (imaginary) cold wind hit me making my shoulder twitch a couple of times.

Love you I GOT7 and ATINYs!!!

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