Chapter 4: The Costume Shop

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Book 1: Gemaris Island

Chapter 4: The Costume Shop

Gemaris Island. How fitting. It was a dazzling, unfettered name for a dazzling, unfettered people. Gemaris Island really was the gem of the sea. From the sky, it sparkled in the ocean like a jewel that was flooded with every color of the rainbow due to the vast gardens. Ora thought it looked like a topaz, but its personality reminded her more of a pearl. Sweet, pure, innocent. Protected by a shell. Sheltered from the world. How hopeful Ora would be if not every island was oblivious like Gemaris Island.

The girl in the small red dress had pulled Amien into a costume shop as soon as she saw it, despite Amien's objections. Eventually, Ora gave up, let go of Amien and scurried into the shop by herself. Amien rolled his eyes and after his one hundredth groan that day, he followed Ora into the store.

The costume shop seemed bigger on the inside. From the town square, it appeared to be a hole in the wall, squished in between two larger, more important buildings. But stepping inside of the costume shop was like stepping into a storybook. A theater story. Ora was in Heaven. Every costume she saw, and even every tiny accessory told an entire story. Every necklace and glove and hat introduced a new character to the writer. All the intricate designs and ornate decorations on the suits and dresses inspired Ora with new ideas and new feelings. Every wig and prop had a personality. Yes, there were props, too! And even though the mannequins were faceless, their poses and suits gave them so much character. One eyeless palace guard in a blue suit held a thin sword with a curved golden handle. His buttons were white gold with a crown etched onto each one. Another mannequin was a dancing ballerina with pink flowers and ribbons in her hair. Her dress was fluffy and bright like a cloud over a sunset.

There was a sad statue with its head bowed down. She had long charcoal black curls and wore a black hat with red and black roses in it. In her gloved hands hung a scarlet purse. Around her neck hung a heart-shaped locket.

Perhaps she isn't sad, Ora thought. Maybe she's thinking. Maybe she's regretting something. Maybe she's leaving her home and it's bitter-sweet...

"Ora, what are you doing?"

Ora jerked back up to see Amien peering at her. She realized that she had been bending way to examine the details of the sad girl's purse.

"In fact, what are we doing here at all?" Amien wondered.

"Amien! Haven't you ever wondered how I write my theater stories and how I come up with the characters? Well, this is how!" Ora whispered, excitedly.

"How? By shopping for costumes?" Amien asked. "Seems like an expensive way to get inspired."

"Window shopping is free," Ora shot back. "All you have to do is look at the costumes and wonder what kind of person would be wearing it. Why are they holding what they're holding? Where do they come from? What do they do? What-"

"Yes, yes, yes. I sat in on your class," Amien interrupted her. He bent down to examine the red purse Ora had been studying. "It was actually somewhat interesting. Believe it or not, I once wrote...or tried to write a theater story and it was not as easy as I thought it would be."

"Wait, really? You wrote a theater story? When? What was it about? Where-"

"You've seen it," he told her, standing back up to face her. "It was part of the competition for the crown."

"Really? Which one was it?" Ora asked, her face lighting up with anticipation.

Amien opened his mouth to answer, but stopped himself. He sighed through his nose and stared at a little girl mannequin sitting behind Ora. She was having tea with a quaint set of china.

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