Chapter 13: The Unicorn Statue

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Book 1: Gemaris Island

Chapter 13: The Unicorn Statue

A yawn escaped Ora's mouth as she realized how late it was. And then Ora's growling stomach reminded her that she hadn't eaten for many hours. And then her shivering arms reminded her how cold the night was.

But Amien seemed completely unphased and poised as he marched away from the Opera House. Before, the gentleman had sounded worried, and even terrified of being found by Lindo Que. And now, Amien was cool and calm, not like a poised, elegant gentleman. But like a rebellious, apathetic pirate.

However, Ora was constantly checking over her shoulder for Lindo Que. She must have looked back a hundred times only to see a dark and empty street stretching behind her. There was no sign of a stalker. And no sounds except the slow wind in her ears.

Even though she trusted Amien, Ora thought that if Cosmos really was on their side, then she would feel safer with the famous, rich and popular musician accompanying them on their journey.

The two arrived at the giant Unicorn Statue, which was whinnying with its horn touching the sky. It was milk white and majestic, towering far above the height of even the Opera House. Cosmos wasn't there. Ora knew that he was probably being held up at the Opera House, but she didn't want to wait in the streets in the middle of night with Amien who was probably wanted at this point.

"Amien? Maybe you should hide in your bag?" Ora whispered, glancing around nervously.

"What? Hide from what?" he asked, insulted.

"From Lindo!" she hissed, trying not to raise her voice.

"If he finds me, he finds me," Amien murmured, leaning against the hoof of the horned horse.

"What?!" Ora was not quite whispering anymore. "You want him to find you?"

"Why not?" he shrugged, crossing his arms.

"Because he could have you arrested! What if he knows you're trying to find Diamond? What if-"

"I'm tired of hiding, Ora. You were right. He doesn't deserve the glory he's stolen from me and I'm ready to confront him about it."

Amien was calm as he sternly looked at his speechless companion.

"My Mirror Gates were a big deal. They solved the biggest problem that this kingdom has ever faced. And they were my creation, not Lindo's. I built invisible bridges in between the islands, to bring people together! And now, the king has taken them away from me, and from everyone! But I'm not just mad at the king. I'm mad at his pushover advisor who stood by and continued to stand by and let the king make ridiculous decisions! I'm tired of hiding. When I found you, and found out that you would lead me to Diamond, I took that as a sign to come out of hiding. To fight the king. And then I attended that stupid performance just now, and Jida - that sweet girl - she loved every second of it! She didn't see the message behind the obvious message. No one did! Everyone thought that it was just a story about evil men getting what they deserved! But you and I both know that the story was specifically written to frighten people into submission. To show people what happened to them if they ever defied the king. It was sick. And I'm sick of it. Of course, one of the king's advisors wrote the story. And now everyone on Gemaris thinks that all rebels are cruel, heartless, idiotic pigs, when we're just the opposite!"

Amien was pointing at her, almost aggressively as he murmured all of this in a low, infuriated voice. Ora was stunned. She listened intently and didn't say anything.

"Why aren't you saying anything?" Amien suddenly asked, getting off the statue.

Ora blinked a few times before stammering, "I...I don't know what to say. I mean, I agree with everything you're saying."

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