Ch 7:5

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Jasmine suppressed a frown. The small girl in front of her looked so proud of her handiwork. But what exactly did Lolli do? Iowa was frozen in what seemed to be shock. Or perhaps horror." Alright boys, let's take these two," Jasmine said before glancing back down at Lolli. She was still smiling.

Lolli followed the group from behind. Grim was chained to a bed. Iowa was also being carried on a bed. However, Iowa also didn't have a solid body. She didn't make any effort to escape." Did I do good, Miss?" Lolli asked. Jasmine just nodded, slowly.

"That little shit just left us to rot," Grim grumbled under his breath.
"Yeah, we'll find him soon. You'll be the one helping us," Jasmine replied.
"As if I'd ever help you!"
"Yeah, I'm sure you won't be willing. But you're already so weak from not doing your job for so long."
Grim winced.
"This win wasn't meant to be so easy," Jasmine admitted," we didn't plan for... this." She then motioned to Iowa.
"I wanted to help! I gave Iowa her punishment!" Lolli said," now you can shape her any way you want!"

Both were transported to Maxwell's lab. They were carried into separate cells and locked inside. Maxwell paced in front of the two cages, smiling as she did so." It's nice to see you again, Iowa," she walked in front of the other cell," but I've never truly met the Grim Reaper, only your son. Where is he?"

Grim was furious, but he also couldn't keep his eyes open." Your new assignment is to tell us where he is," Maxwell said.
"I'm not saying a damn thing to you."
"But you're already speaking."

Jasmine and Lolli watched the former's coworker interact with the convicts." What is she going to do with them now?" Lolli asked.
"Well, Grim is the only one useful to us. He's a very important member of society. So we're going to make him work again. Iowa... we aren't sure yet," Jasmine started," we may just let Maxie do whatever she wants."
"Maxwell isn't a good person."
"What do you mean?"
"She made Iowa hurt really bad. She's not allowed to have him again."
"It's not really your decision, Sweetie."
"She can't!" Lolli screamed and stamped her foot," She isn't good and is bad! BAD!"
Jasmine sighed and pat Lolli's head. Lolli reached for her compact." I won't let you hurt them!"
"Just calm down. We agreed that they were bad!"
"No, you're worse! You're meaner and worse-er than them!"

Jasmine was smart enough to know she shouldn't let Lolli touch her with that weapon. She slapped the compact out her hand and towards Maxwell. Maxwell was quick to scoop it up." This was made by Oma, yes? Very interesting," She said to herself as Lolli ran over.
"That's mine! I will punish you!"
"Calm down, Niña."
"Huh?" Lolli turned to face Iowa. Iowa was pressed the cell's glass wall. Apparently, she was no longer in shock. Lolli glared at Iowa but got closer." Why have you been so angry today?"
"Because you're a bad person!"
"So you melted me?"
"I wanna make you better! I will make you better! And everyone else too! I will make everyone better!"
"What are you saying? You're a bit too small for that."
"No, no I'm not! I have to!"
Iowa wasn't sure why Lolli wanted to fix everyone suddenly. It didn't make sense to Iowa at all. None of the books she ever read had shown her a person acting like this.

The compact in Maxwell's hands suddenly expanded. The stick launched the main candy at her face, sending her backwards. Then, she too started to melt.

Jasmine backed away from it all. She felt her hand catch the doorframe and she bolted. She ran as fast as she can until she ran into someone. Jasmine yelped as she hit her bottom." Sorry, but I'm in a rush- Oma?" Jasmine scrambled onto her feet and pulled the other woman up. Jasmine's purple eyes stared into the others brown ones, the former filled with fear." You didn't- she's gone insane! That's why you're here, right? Oh, gods, are you going to fix her?"

The dark skinned woman known as Oma simply shrugged and looked down the hall. She carefully removed Jasmine's hands from her shoulders and walked down the path Jasmine just came from." I'll be back, okay?"

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