wo! | first kiss!

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"Okay, okay. I'll be good. I'm only going to Wyatt's house." "Okay." I got up from the stool and started walking to the door. "Wait!" I turned around and my mom was walking over with something in her hands. "Wear a jacket over that top. Oh, and bring these," She handed me the things and winked and walked away. I looked down and saw she handed me three condoms. "Oh my gosh. Whatever." I grabbed a windbreaker a slipped it over my gray cami top and then slipped the condoms into my bag, hopefully they would stay there forever. I walked out of my house and grabbed my skateboard from the garage and skated to Wyatt's house. I skated up his driveway and got off before i walked to the front door. I knocked on the door and his mom answered the door. "Hey y/n. Come on in. Wyatt is upstairs cleaning but he'll be down in a minute." "Thank you," I smiled as I walked inside. "You can sit on the couch and wait." I nodded and walked over to the couch in their living room and sat down. His mom disappeared upstairs and I pulled my phone out of my jacket pocket. I opened up instagram and looked at a makeup video before I heard, "Hey y/n!" I turned off my phone and turned to see Wyatt's dad. "Hi Mr. Oleff." "Where's Wyatt?" "Upstairs, cleaning." "Oh, well I'll go get him." Then his dad disappeared upstairs. I sighed. Maybe it's not a good time, maybe I should leave a note and come back later. As soon as I was going to stand up I heard Wyatt walking down the stairs. "Hey baby, sorry I kept you waiting." "It's okay, Wy." He came over and gave me a hug before turning on his nintendo switch and putting it on the tv. After a few minutes his parents came downstairs. "We're going out to dinner with your parents, y/n, so you guys can order pizza or something. Be good." "Yes ma'am," we said in unison. They left money on the counter and walked out. "I'll order pizza while you finish setting up." "Okie dokie." I got up and walked into the kitchen I grabbed the house phone and called in pizza for us. "Okay, twenty minutes and it should be here." I sat back down on the couch and Wyatt sat next to me and handed me the blue controller. "What game should we play first?" "You get first pick." "Let's play Mario Kart." "Sounds good to me." He put it in Mario Kart and started the game. "I call dibs on Yoshi!" "Fine, I'll go with... Peach, that's always fun." I laughed. "Okay, Princess Peach, you're going down." "Sure Yoshi." We picked our kart and levels and started. Wyatt was beating my ass for the first two rounds. "Damn it, Wyatt." "Peach is better, Yoshi." I rolled my eyes and was determined to win this round. "Yes!" I said as I won the third round. "Fourth round is mine." "Nope, sorry bubs. It's definitely mine." Just as we started the round the doorbell rang. Wyatt quickly paused it and ran to the door. I got up and grabbed the money and walled to the door. Wyatt grabbed the pizza and I handed the guy our money. "Enjoy!" "Thank you!" I closed the door and went back to the kitchen where Wyatt was. I grabbed his hand and dragged him to the couch. "Y/n, I'm hungry," He whined. "We can eat after this round." "Fine!" He unpaused it and we were both fighting for the number one spot. Just as he was about to cross the finish line, Bowser passed him up making him second and me third. "What the!?" we said at the same time. We looked at each other and then started laughing. We got up and walked into the kitchen. "That was hilarious," I said as I got two plates. "It was, I guess that teaches us to not be so competitive." Wyatt handed me a cup with [your favorite drink] in it. "Thank you Wyatt. I love doing game nights with you." "I love doing game nights with you too." Wyatt pulled me closed to him and kissed me. Suddenly the door swung open and both of our parents were there. "I knew it! So glad I gave you the condoms." "Mom!"

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