I was alone at Cilia's house for a couple hours. Then they came came.
They both in the front door giggling and snickering.
"What's so funny?" I ask.
"Umm. Nothing."Jocelyn giggles.
"Well Jocelyn, wanna go on a date sometime?" I ask her.
"Oh... Sorry, but no." She answers.
"Okay then."
A few minutes later she leaves.
"Cilia, why did she say no?"
"She's engaged." Cilia answers.
"Yah. I'm sorry Blaze."
"When did yall become friends?" I question.
"A year ago. I felt really bad from I did to her in high school." Cilia answers.
That night I couldn't sleep. I thought of Jocelyn. The no she said echoed in my mind. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. I felt heart broken. Who is Jocelyn engaged to though. I must find out. The next day I decided to walk around. Walk to the park. Once I got to the park I saw an old friend.
"Brandon! Hey it's me Blaze." I shout.
"Hey Blaze. How've you been?"
"Good, what about you?" I ask.
"I'm engaged." He says.
"To who?" I ask.
"Jocelyn. Do you remember her?" Brandon spoke.
I got so mad I clinched my fist and threw it at him. Then from a distance I hear,"Stop it! Stop it Blaze! Stop!"
I look up and see Jocelyn running in my direction. I wasn't paying any mind to Brandon and he hit me back.
"What the fuck Blaze? I thought we was friends." Brandon said.
And Jocelyn chimed in,"Why did you do that Blaze. That's not cool."
After that I started to walk back to Cilia's house. Once I got home I got to thinking. Have I really changed? Am I not the right person for Jocelyn? Did Jocelyn ever really love me? She probably didn't. Looking at the floor I said,"Why did this happen to me? Why? I THOUGHT SHE LOVED ME!!!!!"
"Blaze, are you alright?" She asked.
"NO!!!!! UGHHH!!!! SHE DOESN'T LOVE!!!!" I screamed.
"Stop screaming Blaze. You'll wake up the neighbors." She said.
The rest if the night Cilia comforted me. She would say "It'll be alright." or "You'll survive." She kept saying it till I feel asleep.