The day of the wedding had arrived and I was on my way to go get Gabi. It took about ten minutes before I was at the destination. When I pulled into her drive way, Gabi ran out the house and hopped in the car.
"I'm ready!" Gabi says.
And I start to drive again. When I was driving I never knew a girl could have so much lungs. She talked fast and loud. My ears were pounding for a rescue, but I knew Gabi would help my plan, and she won't even know it.
We soon arrived to where the wedding would be held. So Gabi and I parked the car, and we went inside. No one really noticed we arrived. Then a woman walked up to me and said,"Hello there, now what might your name be?"
"I'm Blaze and she's Gabi." I answer.
"Are you one of Brandon's friends?"
"Well, Brandon and Jocelyn."
"Okay then. I'm Jocelyn mother, so you know. You can call me. Miss Jane." She says.
"Okay. See you around." I say.
Then shortly after I hear," Blaze!" And turn around to see Jocelyn hugging me,"You made it!"
"Yah. I did."
"Close friends?" Miss Jane interrupts.
"Oh, um. Yah mama. He's also like a brother too." Jocelyn says.
"Okay. Well let's go get you in your dress Jocelyn."
After they leave I turn to Gabi and she's in tears," You don't like!"
"Woah. Why do you say that?" I ask.
"They way you look at Jocelyn. And you haven't even talked to me since we got here. We've been here ten minutes."
"I do like you." I lied.
Then she looks up and smiles. Shortly after we go seated for it to start. The music started, Jocelyn came down the isle with her dad on a arm. She got up there by Brandon. The preacher said his words. Blah blah blah. Finally they said,"I do."
This is when all the destruction began. The cake was cut, we were all dancing and keep having Gabi bump into Jocelyn and Brandon. At first they didn't get mad, but then they stopped dancing. I sat Gabi down and said,"I'll be right back." And so I got a piece of cake and walked back but passed by Jocelyn and Brandon and faked a trip. The cake went all over Jocelyn. She stood up and said," At first I thought all this was an accident, but now I know your up to something. Just just JUST GET OUT! I CAN'T BELIEVE I INVITED YOU!!!! YOU'RE PROBABLY ONLY DOING THIS CUZ I WON'T GO OUT WITH YOU!!! WE DATED ONCE! IT'S OVER!!! GET OUT!!!!"
Everyone looked at her as some monster. Even Brandon.

Book#2 Just Another Broken Heart
Roman d'amourThe Sequel to Just Another Broken Heart.