Once again back at the park where I first ran into Jocelyn. Where I introduced myself to her. Where I meet her. Also where I heard her sing so gracefully. And where I decided to put my fist in Brandon's.Jocelyn getting married, and it's not to me. It's to Brandon Green, my old friend in high school.
A few hour's went by as I sat on a swing thinking of my old memories of me and Jocelyn and then I look she's in front of me.
"Hey." She says as she smiles,"What's going on?"
"Oh, you know sitting here thinking." I troubled to say.
"What are you thinking about?" She asks.
"Nothing really important." I lied.
"Oh okay."
"Yah, well I things to do, so bye."
"Oh... Bye." She says.
I rushed back to Cilia's and through the front door. Gosh what's wrong with me I thought.
"You look startled." One of Cilia's friends said to me.
"Oh, no I'm fine." I insure her.
"Well, I'm Gabi." She introduces herself.
"Hi Gabi." I say.
"What's your name?" Gabi asks.
"Blaze." I answer.
"Okay. Blaze, well I have to go home, but maybe you could call me sometime." She says as she writes her phone number down on a piece of paper.
"Will do." I say.
Once she's out the door I crumbled up the paper and went to toss it in the trash.
"What? Blaze." Cilia stops me.
"What Cilia?"
"Why are you going to throw it away?" She asked.
"Fine do what you want. Don't listen to me."
Then I uncrumble the paper and say,"Fine."

Book#2 Just Another Broken Heart
Storie d'amoreThe Sequel to Just Another Broken Heart.