It's been three years since Jocelyn got out the hospital. And three years since she walked out of my world. They world that we were suppost to be together. Forever. But no. After she got out of the hospital. She still had to say goodbye and go to Pennsylvania to her mom. And now it's just me. All alone. Single as can be. Never able to see Jocelyn again. I miss her long her long brown hair, those perfectly shade of green of her eyes. I'm now twenty. Living alone in an apartment with Daisy my Pitt bull.
"Daisy girl. Come to daddy." I tell my dog," Good girl. Good girl. Lets go for a walk."
I clip Daisy's leash on her thick purple collar. I opened the front door of my apartment and went walking with Daisy to the Park. After high school I moved up to Cincinnati, Ohio. We got to the Dog Park. So, I unclipped the lease from her collar and she went running. I haven't seen her that happy in a while. I started to look at all the squirrels in the tree's preparing for winter. Then looked at my watch and thought we better get home.
"Daisy!!! Come to Daddy!" I said." Daisy! Daisy? Daisy??? Where are you girl?" I started to worry because I couldn't see her and she wasn't coming when I called," Daisy!
"Is this your dog?" A very sweet lady asked me.
"Oh yes. Thank very much. Umm?"
"Kayla." She answers.
"Wait, Kayla. Kayla Jones?" I ask.
"Umm yah. How'd you know?" Kayla asked.
"Blaze. Blaze Walker."I say.
"No way. Blaze. Wow. You look different."
"Yah. How's Jocelyn?" I asked.
"I don't know. After she moved to Pennsylvania, we lost contact with each other." She says.
"You still like her. Don't you?" She asks.
"Me. What??? Why would you say that." I say.
"I don't know. Guess I was wrong. Well here's your dog. See you around." She hands Daisy to me.
After Kayla left, I had a long talk to Daisy about running away. Then went on home for lunch. It took around ten minutes to get back home. I opened my apartment door. Then went into the kitchen to fix me up a sandwich and Daisy some Kibbles and Bitts.
I feels lonely being alone in an apartment by myself I thought. I might of put it into to much thought. Because I got the thought of getting Cilia to let me stay with her.
I grabbed my phone and dialled her number. " Hey Cilia. I'm going to be moving back into town and I have no place to stay. You think you can help me out?"
"Sure." She says.
So I start packing. It took me a couple days to pack and get my airport ticket. Once I got it. I webt to my apartment and layed down knowing that this would be my last night in Ohio for a while.

Book#2 Just Another Broken Heart
Storie d'amoreThe Sequel to Just Another Broken Heart.