Poor North Korea

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(Tall team(north's)POV)

He finnaly looked at his phone after walking a lot. He saw Russia's text and sighed.

He knew it wasnt a good idea to split up. He was alone. Since he was tired he climbs a tree from the science garden. He had scrapes all over his body for climbing a lot of trees.

He rested his gun at the tree and laid on the gun. He had been tired the whole day and wanted to sleep. He then slept on the tree for some time.

Russia and new zealand are out!

The gun team's POV

They had shot Russia's balloons and walked around the school. They had a lot of bullets in their pockets. They walked upstairs and saw the asian team. They were looking for bullets.
Being the kind team they were, they shot the floor, making the bullets fall on the ground.

"What was that?!" S.k shouted while looking back.

They looked back to see the gun team.

"Take thoose bullets." They said.

There were like 10 bullets on the floor.

"Kamsahamnida!" South korea shouted while running after they hrabbed the bullets.

Thainei team's(thailand's)POV

Thailand walked over to the science garden and saw North on the tree sleeping. He tried to shoot his balloons but missed and shot him in the arm.

He fell over and...

Tall team's(North's)POV

I woke up and felt a pain in my arm. I saw a bullet in my arm. I was shocked and forgot i was on a tree.

I fell and felt a pain in my arm, my fingers and my foot. I was also having a headache. I felt like i was about to pass out when i saw a country next to me, like a meter away from me in shock.

He looked like me but, with his red and blue swapped. He also didnt have a eyepatch. It was thailand. My vision was blurry and i passed out.

Thainei team's (thailand's)POV

Thailand was panicking on the inside. He quickly grabbed north and carried him on thailand's shoulder. He ran to the nurse's office.

He saw EU and NATO sitting on some chairs and New zealand unconsious on a bed.

"What happended?!" They both shouted.

"I'll explain later!" Thailand shouted.

Seeing north has his balloons made thailand grab his gun and shot north's last balloons. North was put on another bed while all of them were panicking.

"Ok so i saw north on the tree sleeping. I wanted to shoot his balloons but acciedently hit his arm and made him wake up. He woke up and fell down then went unconsious." Thailand quicly explained.

"NATO, call switzerland." EU demanded. NATO called switzerland and  told him what happended.

Thailand sat down and shot his own balloons to stay with north.

(Work4life team's POV)

They both heard a gun shot and was shocked."OH MY GOD! WAS WAR DAS?!" Germany yelled in shock. Singapore laughed at germany cause of how shock germany was to have acciedently speak german.

Because singapore knew german, he teased germany.

"Warst du so schockiert, versehentlich Deutsch gesprochen zu haben?"(were you that shocked to have acciedently speak german?) Singapore said while laughing.

Germany realized he was teasing him and shouted "SINGAPORE!".

Irerica team's POV

"WHAT ARE WE GOING TO DO?! THEY ARE COMING!" Ireland shouted in his irish accent.

"Calm down.. they are still on the other side of the building" america said.

They sat there hiding when they saw the asian team.

Crap. They thought. They ran down but got shot a bunch of times.

North's POV

I started to wake up.. its was so white. I closed my eye before opening it again. I was in a very white room. I wanted to sit up but my arm was hurting so bad.

I saw NATO, thailand and the doctor (switzerland).

"You're awake!" Thailand said with a smile on his face.

"Where am I?" I asked in a weak voice.

"You're at the hospital, north" NATO said.

Hospital? What? Why? Then i remembered that i fell down a tree.

"Thailand acciedently shot your arm and you fell down the tree. You broke the bone in your foot and you broke two of you fingers" switzerland explained.

I looked down to see my leg and fingers bandaged.

I didnt expect myself to be hurt during this game.

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