Yorknew City

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Killua's POV
"Finally~ That felt like it took forever." Gon cheers stretching his arms. He looks over to me and smiles. "Ready to meet up with Leorio and Kurapika?" He asks "Yep! Let's go!" I smile pulling him by the hand. We run down the bridge connecting the ship to the pier stopping at the end. Gon takes a deep breath of the fresh air smiling "The city is so cool." He says looking up at all the tall buildings. "Yeah." I reply lookin up at the buildings too. "They're probably waiting at the park, we should start heading over." I suggest looking to Gon who replies with a simple nod. We walk through the city, it's a bit crowded and Gon's eyes are so fixated on the super tall buildings. I grab his hand to make sure he doesn't get lost. He looks down at our held hands then at me. "Killua... Look there's the park!" He points in the direction of a huge glassy field with tons of people having picnics and playing frisbee. I could tell he was probably only pointing it out to change the subject. I nod and we cross the street to the park. It's super bright out so I put my free hand shielding my eyes from going blind, I see Leorio and Kurapika standing by the fountain in middle of the park. Gon sees them too and starts waving. "Long time no see." Leorio smirks as the four of us meet. "Yeah glad to see you guys again." Gon says with a smile, I smile too looking to both of them. There's a bit of silence between the four of us. "How've you guys been?" I ask breaking the silence putting my hands in my pockets to help me from fidgeting a bunch. "Well For starters Kurapika and I... are dating." Leorio smiles grabbing Kurapika's hand and holding it up, Kurapika shakes his head laughing a bit. "Told you!" I exclaim punching Gon in the arm. "Owie! That hurt Killua." Gon says rubbing his arm and smacks me back. "When did you find out that you liked each other?" Gon asks "Well like-" Leorio turns to Kurapika trying to remember. "We started dating after we all parted ways." Kurapika starts "Leorio called me and told me that he misses me. He said that he felt like there was something between us that he couldn't let me go just like that." Kurapika smiles and I feel myself cringing from the inside out. I roll my eyes at them and Gon smacks my arm.

Author's Note
Sorry it took so long to update; school is officially done for the year and I have more time to write!! This chapter is more loosely based off the storyline, I decided to do a bit more like fictional scenes with it y'know. Also I'm staring on an angsty Klance story don't know the title yet but it's in the works. Anyways the the end is near for this story! I've been working on it for years literally, it may not be extremely good but I hope y'all liked it so far. :) Adios -Gabi

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