Hunter Exams

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                                     Killua's POV
"Whoosh" I zip through the streets maneuvering through people "What does this building look like?" I think to myself, "Maybe I should ask someone." I begin to glide my foot against the street and come a stop. I pick up my skate board and enter a small market. A middle age man is working the register; I walk up to the counter. "Do you know where they're having the Hunter Exams this year sir?" The man leans a bit over the counter as if to be very secretive and whispers "I believe it's on the next block." "Thanks" I say as I run out of the store and jump back on my skateboard and zoom down the street.

                                    Gon's POV
"Are you sure this is the place?" Leorio says as he scratches the back of his head in confusion. "Yes it is" Kurapika says shushing him. We enter the building and the man brings us into an elevator, "I can't wait to take the exam!" I say in excitement, "Me too I can't wait to get this money." Leorio grins. The doors of the elevator finally open and we exit into a room full of other participants. A guy hands us our numbers you guys are the 405th participants. "Thanks" I smile. Across the room I see a boy with white hair with a skateboard, my heart starts to beat a bit faster. "Gon? Gon?!" Kurapika waves his hand in front of me trying to get my attention. "Gon what are you looking at?" Kurapika tilts his head trying to see what I was looking at. "Nothing!" I say a bit flustered "Let's go look around."

                        (A couple minutes go by)

                                   Killua's POV
The first phase has started and it's really easy. I zoom past all the other people *sigh* I'm bored already. I happen to glance over and see a boy with green spikes hair. "Good someone my age, maybe I should talk with him." I start heading over to him. "Hey how old are you?" I ask him "I'm twelve and a half how about you?" He replies "I'm twelve" I smirk "Guess I'll hang with you" I kick up my skateboard and jog with him "Cooooollll" He smiles, I blush a bit but dismiss it "I'm Killua." I smile "I'm Gon" he says.

(They finish phase 1 of the exam and are on phase 2)

                                     Gon's POV
Killua, Leorio, Kurapika, Tonpa, and I enter the Trick Tower. We get to this ledge that is in this huge room with a square fighting area and on each corner there is a torch. "Huh?" Leorio looks around and scratches his head "How are we supposed to get to the other end?" He says in confusion. We hear a faint giggle from the other end as five prisoners emerge from the shadows in dark cloaks. They explain how we have to battle them in order to gain points and get past them. Tonpa volunteers to go first and forfeits. Leorio starts to argue with hm and we find out that he is actually trying to make us fail the exams. Kurapika pulls Leorio away and he calms down.
                                Kurapika's POV
I walk up to the battle area. A blue man with tattoos head to toe emerges "A battle to the death." He says smirking "Okay" I say standing in place swing my nunchucks; "No weapons either" he adds. I drop all my weapons and everyone looks in shock, I stand in place once again ready to battle. He makes the first punch and I see the spider tattoo and I feel my eyes turn scarlet. I grip my face as my head starts to pound and I punch him unconscious. I slowly walk back to my friends and Leorio asks "Are you alright?" opening his arms to me for a hug; I hug him. Strokes my head and whispers "You don't like spiders huh?" I nod I feel myself go a bit red and my eyes go back to normal.

                                  Killua's POV
I turn to Gon who is pretty confused as I am at this point. "Are they a thing?" I ask pointing at the gays "I guess so" Gon shrugs; "He isn't dead he is unconscious" says another prisoner, "We'll have to wait until he wakes up to continue the match." She says "But Kurapika won fair and square." Leorio exclaimed "It was a fight to the death" she sighed "It is over when someone dies." "Let's just get on with it." I whined "Okay, who would like to go next?" "I'll go!" Gon shouts as he extends his hand into the air; a pale dark haired prisoner emerges from the shadows.

                  (Time skip to the 50 hour room)

                                   Killua's POV
We are stuck in this small room for 50 hours due to Leorio's bad gambling *sigh* at least I get to spend time with this green hair cuti- I mean Gon. I totally don't like that adorable dor- WHAT AM I SAYING?! My face turns slightly red and I shake my head to dismiss it. The hours fly by and we are finally out we somehow manage to find a shortcut last minute and get to the base before time is up.

Yes Leopika is one of my favorite ships and I just had to include it hehe. Well I hope y'all enjoyed this chapter I'm not that good of a writer so sorry if it's not the best. I'm thinking about doing a Drarry fanfic or a Klance fanfic which one should I do? Vote for which one in the comments! :) I'll see y'all in the next chapter! Bye!

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