Whale Island

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                         TIME SKIP
( When Gon brings Killua to his home cause we all know what happened at heavens arena boi)

                        Gon's POV
"Killua I can't wait to show you around the island, there's so much to do!" I said excitedly "What do you do for fun on the island?" Killua asked "I fish, look at the stars, and wander around the forest; there isn't any other kids on the island except one so I'm usually alone." I stated

                      TIME SKIP
     (When they arrive on the island)

Killua's POV
"WE'RE HERE!!!" Gon shouts; I blush a bit seeing him look so happy, he's cute when he smiles. I smile as we leave the boat and watch as Gon points out everything and waves to everyone in the village.

Gon's POV
We've been walking for a bit and in the distance I see Mito-san's house. I grab Killua's hand as I run up the hill; I haven't seen Mito-san in about a year.
I knock on the door and yelled "Mito-san!" She opened the door and started crying as I hugged her. "You must be Killua." she said as she wiped the tears from her eyes. Killua nodes "You should've let me know that you were coming home Gon I would've prepared something ahead of time." She says as she starts making chicken. "Mito-san I'm going to show Killua around." I say as I drag Killua out the door.

Killua's POV
"Man, I wish I had a mom as nice as yours." I sighed "Mito-san is the best mom hehe." Gon blushes a bit; "Let's go to the forest." Gon said as he pulled me. We walked up this cliff and I pushed off into the water and jumped in. We both laughed; we fished and walked around until it got dark out. We decided to make a fire and watch the stars.

Gon's POV
I put my hand down right on Killua's not realizing it was there. We both blushed and turned away. I felt like I should tell him how I feel......

Oooo cliffhanger what will happen hehe. I've finally updated yay. I've been busy and sick so sorry I haven't been updating I'll try to update as soon as possible. Bye-bye! -Gabby

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