The Arena

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                          Gon's POV
We walk up to the arena and it's huge! I look at the tower in amazement. "You know, I made it up to the 200th floor." Killua chuckles "Whatttt" I squint my eyes in confusion. We looked at each other and bursted out laughing.

                       Killua's POV
"Ok, lets go in." I say as I push Gon towards the entrance. We sign up and go into a waiting room a few minutes pass; "Killua report to the arena for your match." Is heard from a loud speaker. "Wow that was fast." I say as I head for the door.

                         Gon's POV
"KILLUA...GOOD LUCK!!!!" I yell as I hug him "Gon...." Killua says as I see his face turns bright red and turns away. I smile as Killua walks onto the arena.


Killua's POV
"KILLUA WINS" is heard from a loud speaker in the arena, I put my fist into the air smiling and everyone cheers. I walk out of the ring.

Gon's POV
Killua walks into the room and my heart starts racing I don't think of it much. I run up to Killua "How was it? Was your opponent strong?" I ask, "It was easy all I did was chop- "GON YOUR UP" I jump because of the noise Killua laughs as I rub the back of my head laughing "Looks like I'm up,see ya Killua." I say as I run out into the ring.


Gon's POV
"GON WINS" Is heard from the loud speaker, I rub the back of my head and smile. I walk off the ring and high five Killua.


Gon's POV
It's 2am and I can't sleep, all I can think about is earlier today when my heart started racing when I saw Killua. I don't understand why I have been acting like this lately when I'm with Killua. Maybe I like him?...........

Oooo cliff hanger hehe. Sorry that it took so long to update but I've been busy and I've been trying to work on this fan fiction when I had the time. BYE-BYE!!! -Gabby

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