Chapter 6

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I stood there for a second, goosebumps rising on my skin. Glancing at my surroundings I felt safe. Mostly. Damn, maybe I should get out of here, I thought. Making a beeline toward the door, my skirt brushing past the babbling patrons of this lovely establishment, I pushed the heavy wooden door open and almost fell into the street. The sudden change in brightness forced me to take a second to regroup myself. I brushed my hair out of my face and headed toward the town stable where I had left Tillie. Looking behind me I noticed the man raising his hand to block the sun, searching the street for someone, for me? As his eyes travelled toward me, I whipped around and quickened my pace across the main square. I tried to put as many people between me and him as possible without raising suspicion. It didn't work. I heard him yelling something indistinguishable. Time to leave.

Gathering Tillie from the stable I frantically adjusted the stirrups with shaking hands. After swinging the reins over her head and neck I placed my left foot in the stirrup and swung my right leg up and over her. I was barely situated when the man blocked the only exit. I couldn't see his face, only his silhouette against the bright outside. We both looked at each other. With only one option, I urged Tillie into a fast canter and surged toward the him. My heart pounded as the game of chicken grew more dangerous. At the last second he leaped to the side. Yess! I won.

After what seemed like forever, I slowed down and looked behind me down the forest trail. No man in sight. I listened intently for any indication of a horse galloping. Nothing. Just the sound of branches brushing against each other and a bird singing it's song. I slowed to a trot and pulled my horse into a little area between a group of trees to catch my breath and calm down. Who was that man? Did he recognize me? I know I'm a princess so I should expect people to perhaps recognize me, but I make an effort to not be seen at events where village folk are allowed entry. According to my father he hosts them to build a "bond". It's not a bad idea, but I'm not a fan of attention being paid to me. As a result, I slink along the walls with my common dress on and hope no one looks at me. I then slip away from the dancing and drinking to my room, or to see Tillie.

My thoughts are broken by the sound of hooves clattering, getting louder and louder. I tightened my hold on the reins and pet her neck hoping and praying that she didn't make a sound. I was pretty well concealed by branches but I could still see out, which meant that anyone could see in if they wanted.  I could see his distorted figure as he trotted by. I exhaled slightly in relief. But then he stopped abruptly. He whipped his head around and peered into the trees a couple meters away from me. I panicked and started galloping deeper into the forest. We raced past trees as I tried my best to find the best route. Time stopped and all of a sudden I went flying over Tillie's head and fell into a heap on the ground. The last thing I saw was the legs of a horse that was not mine.

I regained consciousness to the sway of the horse I was draped over like a sack of potatoes. How ceremonious. My hands and feet were tied together with rope along with what I assumed was cloth covering my mouth. The pounding in my ears from being upside down for who knows how long was almost unbearable. I watched as the forest floor slowly turned to a meadow's sweeping grass and then to a narrow dirt path. I was not familiar with the area from this viewpoint. Where was Tillie?? I couldn't believe I hadn't thought of her til now! Hopefully she remembered her way back to the castle and it would alert my father to the fact that something bad had happened to me. Before I could imagine more scenarios that included guards turning over every rock to find me, the man jumped down and pulled me from the horses rump with surprising ease and after hoisting me over his shoulder, carried me into a house. Truth be told it was more like a cottage, but I digress.

After plunking me down on a chair, he sighed and scratched his chin.

"What have you gotten me into?"

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