Chapter 7

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I stared at him as he peeked through the window nervously. Closing the curtains, he approached me and as much as I hate to admit it, I flinched.

"Relax," he said as he knelt down and untied the rope from around my ankles. I debated whether or not I should kick him in the face. Before I could decide, he was already done and had backed away to sit down on a chair that he dragged toward me from beside the fire.

After settling down in the chair, he said, "Well I suppose you're wondering why I brought you here."

I nodded quickly and he continued speaking.

"I couldn't have you tell your father about our back room business, wouldn't like it much would he?" His eyes bore into mine. For some reason he seemed less intimidating up close compared to in the back room of the tavern. Maybe it was because we were in a cottage, not in a room full of criminals. I gestured to my mouth asking him to take off the cloth that was hindering my speaking capabilities.

"Fine, but if you scream it's going right back on, yes?" I nodded cautiously. I cringed and recoiled slightly as he brushed my hair aside to untie the cloth. Never mind. Still intimidating.

"Why are we here?" I asked, as soon as my mouth was freed.

"Like I said, we can't let anyone, especially your father, know about our business."

"I won't tell, I would gain nothing from doing so," I pleaded. I averted my gaze to the dusty hay covered floor and waited for his reply. Next thing I knew, he crumpled to the floor. I gasped and whipped my head toward the door and I saw another man I'd never met in my life. He gestured for me to follow him. With nothing to lose, I exited the cottage and saw Tillie tied to a sapling. I hurried to her and checked her all over for any injuries.

"She's alright, I checked."

"Thank you, but how did you find me?" And who in the world are you??

"Was just on an outing and heard a ruckus, wasn't hard to track," he smiled slightly. I looked around me and realized I didn't know my way back. He must have read my mind because he gestured for me to follow him again.

By the time we made it back to the trail in between  town and home, I was dead tired. I yawned, thanked the man for showing me the way, and headed home. I turned around to ask his name but he was already gone. The cool night air seemed to wrapped around me. I took it as mother nature telling me to get myself home and go to sleep.

Needless to say, my absence was noticed by my father who sent me to my room and ordered guards to stand outside my door for the remainder of the night.

— POV change —

I knew I wasn't supposed to interact with her, but I had no choice. Right? Anyway, I wouldn't have a job or my life if the situation escalated and I didn't interject. Hopefully that dead mans counterparts took the message and left her alone from now on. For my sake, of course.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 20, 2020 ⏰

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