Chapter 3

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Now that I wasn't restrained by any schedule, I headed toward the kitchen. The cooks were in the middle of preparing dinner for the inhabitants of the castle. My favourite cook, Dariel, was wiping perspiration off his forehead when he noticed me.

"Ah, Princess, here to sneak something to eat?" he said with a jovial grin on his face. He smoothed his hands over the ever present apron that stretched snugly over his robust belly, and grabbed a healthy sized chicken drumstick.

"Try this and tell me what you think," I grasped it firmly in my hand and sniffed it before taking a bite. My stomach growled and I noticed just how hungry I was. Missing lunch wasn't a good idea, although it was necessary in order to go to town. The grease from the drumstick ran down my chin as I chewed. I grunted and wiped it away with my free hand.

"I'll take that as a compliment," he said gleefully. I nodded enthusiastically and looked around the kitchen to see if there was anything else I could fill my aching stomach with. Dariel noticed my roving eyes.

"Boiled cauliflower sprinkled with brown sugar? Today's dinner is simple." I shook my head.

"You know how I feel about cauliflower," I said, rolling my eyes. He chuckled and shooed me out of the kitchen but not before I made eye contact with a man sitting on a wooden crate in the corner of the room. I couldn't tell how old he was, maybe between seventeen and twenty years old. His eyes were light and playful as he held my gaze for an unnerving four seconds. I couldn't believe I ate like an animal, how did I not notice him? Ah well, more embarrassing things have happened. Sure, I thought to myself, keep trying to convince yourself of that. I ordered my legs to keep walking until I was down the hall where I reprimanded myself for being the way that I am. Maybe I should've paid more attention when my mother was alive, mimicking her ways until it became second nature to me. She never would have even gone down to the kitchen in the first place, a servant would make the trek to fetch her a bite to eat, but only if she was painfully hungry. After wandering the halls I entered the courtyard where Winfred and Gytha sat under the impressive elm tree stitching their flower embroidery.

"Those look beautiful, girls," I said, gazing down on them sitting on the curved stone bench that wrapped around the tree.

"Thank you, Princess," they said in unison while bowing their heads slightly. Kind of creepy, but okay. Bored, I excused myself and walked through the narrow arched doorway that led to the dark back corner of the stable. Now this is where I felt the most comfortable. The cozy quarters meant that it wasn't too cold, but it didn't get too hot and stuffy during the summer months. Plus, this is where Tillie stays when I'm not going on outings with her. Standing in front of her stall, I admired her honey coloured coat as she munched on hay. Her ears flicked back and forth happily, oblivious to my presence. Moving to lean against the stall door, I greeted her and she swung her head toward me, neighing.

"Whoa there girl," I reached out to scratch her soft velvety chin causing her to snuffle at my hand looking for treats. Eyeing me with disappointment, she nickered, turning away from me to continue eating her hay resolutely. I chuckled, what a spoiled pony. When could I leave these suffocating grounds? Don't misunderstand me, the property is very nice and expansive, but somehow it feels too constraining. I sigh, say goodbye to Tillie, and head in to eat dinner.

---POV change--

I watched as she rubbed the pony's head and whispered to her, or him. Who knows from this distance. What a curious girl. She seemed lonely at first glance, but I soon found out that she preferred to keep to herself. Smart, there's too many wicked people out there to trust. Better to keep them at a distance. This job should be easy enough seeing as she doesn't always have eyes on her. Besides mine, of course. Whoever hired me told me not to lose track of her for too long. As I scoured the rest of the stable for another presence, she went back through the door she came from, closing it firmly behind her. I settled into my hiding place and waited.

Princess Cyd of AheireaWhere stories live. Discover now