Chapter 11-Going Crazy

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(Play the song guys)

Hyena's View

I was Shock when Mr. Park held my hands and he lead me to the dance floor. I don't what to do because he was holding my hand. "Let's dance" he said. He put his hands on my waist, and I was hesitating to put my hands on his shoulder. I don't know but it's kinda awkward even if you said that I am his date for tonight.

Ara is eyeing me like I'm her food and Taehyung... His rolling his eyes? Also Jungkook his fist are all closed tightly I guess? And Heejun... He look annoyed. At the end I ended up putting both of my hands on Mr. Park's shoulder. "Mr. Park I don't know how to dance" I said. As he started on moving.

"Don't worry... I'll teach you" he said close to my ear. It gives me shiver on my spine. His hot breath. He move and move around smoothly as I started to get how to dance. I look at him and he was smiling... I also can't help to smile but then I stop it. I don't want to have some feelings towards him. Mr. Park is my boss and no other thing on that. He move close on my neck and he rested his head there as he was still swinging me around. "M-mr. Park what are you doing?" I said un aware on his actions. "Call me Jimin, babe" he said.

Did he just called me babe... He just continued on swinging me around. As I was going crazy on the word that he just said... Why am I feeling like this? Why did my heart just skip a beat when he said babe

Jimin's View

Her scent, it smells like a strawberry... Her skin, it's so flawless and smooth my hand will instantly slip when I put it there. Her hair, its so perfect it's like a dark sky in a dark night... I'm going crazy she's so perfect. I think I'm falling head over heels on her. I remove my head and I stared at her... She's so red her cheeks are all flustered with bright shed of pink. I want to kiss it and squeeze it.

I don't know... I'm having a war of hormones now... It's like I wanted to own her lips badly. It just look so soft and pink... At the same time it looks so sweet. I don't know what's gotten onto me. I inch closer to her she was staring at me all shock. I held her waist closer on me I was literally hugging her right now. Her hands are still on my shoulder, she was about to remove it when I stop her. "Don't move it. I like it how you put your hands on my shoulder" I said while still inching closer to her.

As I was inching closer to her... I've been craving her for her lips... I didn't hesitate and I directly smashed my lips on her lips I owned every inch of her lips as I started moving my tongue inside of her mouth. She didn't move for awhile but then she responded on my kisses. My hand tightened it hold on her waist as she also inch closer to me. I move my head to the other side to have a better access on her lips.

It took for a minute until I stop... I stared at her and she was running out of breath and literally catching her breath. Her hands are still on my shoulder and also my hand are still on her waist. She stared down with her cheeks burning. I was just staring at her face until to her lips... I'm craving for more, I'm addicted on her lips...

The next day

Hyena's View

What the hell? Why can't I forget about the kiss! I'm going crazy now... Why the hell did he kissed me all of a sudden? He kissed me on the center of the dance floor where a chandelier were hanging gloriously... It's like we're kissing under the moon light... Ugh! Lee Hyena stop it already. It's just an urge to kiss okay? He didn't mean it.

I don't know if I can face him today, I didn't even know on why did I responded on his kisses last night. I think... It's really an urge to kiss him back. My phone suddenly vibrate I look at it and it was Mr. Park's message.

I'm sorry for kissing you last night... I know it's so awkward for you to work today. You can have a day off.

-Mr. Park

I sighed in relief... Now I'm safe, I don't need to face him today! I look at my phone and I didn't receive any text or calls from Taehyung... I saw him leave without a word yesterday. He didn't even say goodbye before living... What's happening on him?

I called him many times but he didn't answered any of my calls. Did something happen on him? Is he sick? Or is he endager? Is he on a hospital? No, no, no... Maybe his just tired that he didn't have the chance to call me.

Jungkook's View

I was crying... Yes I'm crying, seeing her kiss Jimin yesterday break my heart a lot... I don't know why... No... It's because I love her. Does she have an affair on Jimin? How dare he kiss her... That kiss... Was supposed to be mine... I'm supposed to kiss her..

But he took it.,he took it. I busted into tears and drank all of the vodka infront of me. "Jungkook... Stop it your already drunk" I look at my side and saw Haeun looking at me worriedly."Im so hurt Haeun... Im so... Hurt" I said as tears started on falling on my eyes. She look at me and patted my back..

"It's okay.." she said. I don't know but my blood directly boiled when I heard that word. "It's okay? It's just easy for you to say that it's okay because you are not on my situation Haeun!" I shouted. She look at me confused. I was about to drink the last three vodka in front of me but she took it away. "I said stop drinking" she said calmly.

I pushed her hand away and drank all of it "Your not helping me.. Can you just......
Go away" I said... "Just leave me alone, I don't need you" I said as I was continuing my drink. I don't even know the words that just split out of my mouth. "I will" she said looking down.

I stared at her "I will... Leave you alone and never come back... Im such a fool, a fool for loving you for years. I don't know why am I saying you this words Jungkook. Maybe because I will never comeback?" she said as her tears started falling "I will leave you Jungkook... And I will never comeback, because if I leave someone? I will change and I will never comeback on the person where I've been before... You now know that I love you... But.. I think it's a goodbye now Jungkook... Let's not see each other forever cause thats what you want"she said and took her bag and then he got out of my room.

I was left inside the room staring at the door... My tears began falling rapidly as I realized that I just pushed away the person that I've been cherished my whole life with... And my only bestfriend friend... Haeun will now never come back on my life I love you too Haeun... As a friend...

To be continued
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