Chapter 6

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Trigger Warning: this chapter includes rape. (I will mark a section.)

"Adi! Open this door now or I will break it." Wilder yelled from my bedroom door. I ran out of the bathroom and searched through my bag for something to stop the bleeding. Bebe stood at the door of the bathroom whimpering. She must have smelt the blood.


"Fuck!" I yelled as Wilder smashed into the door. I found a pair of leggings that I never liked and ripped from the ankles to the crotch on both sides so it could form a makeshift bandage.


"Wilder stop I'm fine!" I yelled wrapping the pants around my stomach. Once it was completely wrapped I tied it off.


The door came crashing down causing me to jump in fear. Wilder stood there, nose flaring and hands in fists by his side. He stepped on the door and walked towards me.

"I smell blood." I heard him inhale deeply next to me. How could he smell blood from out there?

"Are you bleeding?" He questioned. His hands landed on my hips, just below the fresh wounds. I jumped a little feeling jittery.

"No." I shook my head in fear. He seemed to notice my shaking body, because he lifted his hands to my neck and placed them gently on the sides of my face. Only then did I notice two towels hanging from his shoulders.

"I heard you showering so I brought you some towels, but then I smelt blood. Are you hurt?" The care he held in his eyes made my heart melt, but I needed to keep my guard up.

"You smelt blood? From out there?" I asked, genuinely curious. With him on the hot spot he seemed nervous suddenly.

"Besides the point. Are you hurt?" He evaded. His arms extended so he could push me back and take a good look at me.

"No, I'm not hurt." I insisted, but his suspicious gaze never left mine. 

"If you don't tell me why I can smell blood, I will make you undress." The threat didn't sit well with me, for obvious reasons.

"I'm on my fucking period." I hissed back. I folded my arms for dramatic effect, but I was genuinely upset with a side of scared.

"Oh." He mumbled. I glared back.

"Yeah, oh." I responded sarcastically before attempting to push him out the destroyed door, but he moved out of my hold and walked towards the bathroom.

"I'll turn the shower off for you. Climb into bed." He mumbled. I was about to run back at him to stop him, but he opened the door before I could get to him. On the counter my bloody blade sat, holding the real truth.

"Adi! What the fuck!" He yelled and picked it up from the counter top.

"That is none of your concern, why do you give a fuck what I do!" The anger fueled me giving me more of a voice than I had ever had. I reached for the blade and ripped it out of his grasp. It cut up my fingers, but I could care less.

"Give it to me." He commanded like I was a dog. He took hold of my wrist not allowing me to run. I growled at him, proving his point and tightened my hand around it causing it to cut up my palm.

"Give it to me, now!" He demanded. My determination wavered with his demanding tone. I wanted to listen to him, but a more sensible part of me refused.

"No." I growled back, trying to rip my wrist from his grasp.

"Give it!" He screamed. The power in his words forced my hand open and I dropped it on the floor. He bent down immediately and picked it up. I watched in horror as he walked to the toilet and dropped it in. 

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