Kurapika x Spider! Reader

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//SPOILERS: Revealed/implied canon character deaths; chain uses/abilities mentioned/implied. Implied post Season 3. Possible Season 3 resolution spoilers. Mentions of canon character background/origins.

//Reader's name isn't mentioned. Your Nen type is Enhancer/Emitter, and your abilities are called Attack Prelude and Siren Call. Both use a combination of Enhancer and Emitter techniques to deal damage by singing/playing an instrument, or effect a person's feelings towards you by singing/playing certain notes. The ability is not used in this chapter, but if I make a part two, it will be.
//I tried my best, but I wanted to get this out as soon as possible. This is what I ended up with, so I hope you enjoy!

Binding Chains


You'd heard mentions of the chain user before, on nights when Nobunaga couldn't stop talking about Uvo. Or when Phinks mentioned someone named Pakunoda. In brief bits, you learned about what sounded like one of the cruelest people to ever exist. Of course, you weren't one to really judge, all things considered.
It was a quiet night, and everyone was restless. The boss was reading at a distance from everyone else, and the only sound that could be heard was the occasional turning of pages. It was drafty, and were you not sitting in the windowsill you'd complain.
The silence was eating away at everyone's nerves.

After a moment, you hopped down from the windowsill and stretched. "I'm going to do a perimeter search."
"We'll be able to sense if anyone-" Shalnark began, and you waved your hand dismissively.
"I don't doubt that." You said, then grinned. "But really, there's nothin' to do, and I'm about to explode if I don't move around."
Nobunaga glanced at you out of the corner of his eyes, and for a moment you thought he might say something. Instead, you were met with an affirmative hum from Chrollo and silence from everyone else. You headed to the door, calling back to Nobunaga. "You know, staring is rude. I might think you wanna fight if you keep it up."
You heard his laugh as you shut the door, smiling to yourself. You fit in well here. The tattoo that curled partially over your shoulder looked right at home; you looked right at home.
Which was probably what made you such an easy target.

You weren't weak, by any means, but you also weren't prepared to be yanked away from the base by chains either. That, combined with the fact that you seemed to be in a forced state of Zetsu, rendered you completely helpless. That is to say, strength wasn't your biggest strength.
You caught only a glimpse of the chain user before you were knocked unconscious.

Kurapika was surprised by the sight of the Spider he'd chained. Were it not for the fact that he would have died if this guy weren't a Spider, he would believe that he'd gotten the wrong person. The man didn't look threatening at all.
He grit his teeth and dragged him to a car, tossing him carelessly in the back. Of course, he didn't lower his guard, and he didn't retract the chains. When the man finally awoke, Kurapika glared at him through the rearview mirror.
"Where are you taking me?" The man asked. The Spider's steady, unwavering voice reminded him of the first time he'd captured a member of the Troupe, and his hands clenched on the steering wheel briefly.
"Shut up." Kurapika said, his eyes moving back to the road. He'd trained hard to be able to maintain his chains in a situation like this, and he wasn't going to waste his chance by veering off of the road. He stopped near the edge of a forest, then looked in the mirror again. "Do exactly as I say."
The man was looking out the window, and at the sound of Kurapika's voice he turned slightly. "I feel as if I'm not in a position to disagree."
The genuine tone in his voice plucked at Kurapika's nerves.

"Were you a member five years ago?" The chain user asked. He had yet to harm you, but you were sure he wouldn't hesitate if you gave him a reason to. You shook your head and he grit his teeth. "Speak."
"I wasn't." You said, then raised an eyebrow. "An oddly specific question, hm?"
The chains tightened and you gasped for air, his eyes narrowing. "I'm the one asking questions. How did you join the Phantom Troupe?"
You were anything but a snitch. In an attempt to buy time, you decided to be evasive. Surely someone must have noticed you were gone by now. "Are you considering joining? I don't think there's an opening anym-"
You winced as the chains constricted you, your eyes rolling back briefly. When you could breathe again, you laughed weakly. "Not one for idle chatter. Got it."
"Answer the question." He said, and you hummed. The area around you allowed for plenty of cover, and for the first time you considered that perhaps he was so confident because the two of you weren't truly alone. You wanted to draw things out a bit longer, but you weren't sure how long the guy would put up with it.
After some consideration, you decided that a half truth wasn't technically a betrayal. "I come from Meteor City. That's where I grew up, and where I first met the boss. You could say we bonded over similar childhood experiences."
Your answer seemed to surprise him. It was as if, in that moment, you could see him realise that Chrollo had once been a child; as if that thought had never crossed his mind. The chain user didn't seem to realise that the chains wrapped around you had loosened slightly. He recovered from his shock rather quickly, frowning at you. "What is your nen ability?"
"I hardly think that's relevant, since you're just going to kill me afterwards." You responded lightly. You hid your disappointment as the chains tightened around you again.
"Tell me your nen ability. I won't ask again." He said firmly. You looked into his eyes, wondering why he seemed so interested. He didn't look like a murderer, let alone someone capable of the things you'd been told he'd done. He had yet to pierce you with his Judgement Chain, which you'd heard horror stories about. He had yet to injure you much at all, actually.
"Alright." You said, then smirked. "But after all of this trouble, what's in it for me?"
He glared. "Nothing. If I think you won't give me too much trouble, I'll state my conditions and you'll go on living. Otherwise, I plan on killing you."
Your stomach swirled at the thought of dying here, alone in the middle of the woods. You laughed nervously and nodded. "Okay. My nen ability... I'm an Enhancer, with some Emitter training as well. I use my nen to enhance my voice, and emit my aura like sound waves. I can cause damage or merely sway someone's opinion of me by singing. I have a bit of training in manipulating moods as well, but I find that the piano or violin work better than my voice in those situations."
He hummed and looked at you for a long moment, and you could feel yourself growing increasingly more anxious. He pointed his little finger at you, and you let out a choked gasp as you felt something pierce your chest. "You'll follow my orders exactly, or you will die. Do you understand?"
"Yes." You said quickly, your eyes darting down to look at the chain that linked his little finger to your heart.
"You will be my eyes in the Troupe. You will tell me if anyone has obtained a set of Scarlet Eyes, as well as if the Troupe is planning on moving." He said steadily. He looked into your eyes, and you swore you could see something behind the dark black of his eyes. "We will meet in one week at Heaven Arena, under the guise of watching a match. There, you will give me all of the information that I ask for."
You considered telling him no. This type of thing was bound to get you killed either way. However... you felt your heart race at the thought of seeing him again. You weren't sure wether it was the fact that death was breathing down your neck, or that you genuinely found him attractive, but you knew that the feeling was definitely addictive. Perhaps it was just relief at being granted the chance to live longer.
At your silence, he frowned. "Also, you will mention this to no one else. You will not say a word or drop any hints, and when we meet you will come alone."
You chuckled slightly as you realised he'd thought you were looking for a loophole. He glared and looked like he was about to say something, but you spoke before he could. "Alright. I'll see you in a week then. It's a date."
You didn't expect him to blush so brightly at the word, but he didn't correct you either. Before he let you go, he knocked you unconscious so you couldn't follow him.
That steely resolve; the determination in his eyes. Although it meant risking your life, you were determined to see him again. And sooner than he was expecting.

//1444 words.
//eh, not my best work, but it's okay. I don't like making my chapters too long, and I didn't want to rush anything, so this is as happy an ending as I could give.
//let me know what y'all think.

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