Chrollo X Male!Reader

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//AU: Semi-Modern non-canon. No nen abilities. The Phantom Troupe isn't exactly a thing, but the members are comprised of impoverished criminals and homeless people.
//Reader is homeless. This story vaguely touches on what it's like living on the street, as well as the bias towards homeless people and the failures of the systems put in place to help people.

//Warning: Light angst and depressing themes. Curse words. Heavily implied lemon, although not quite explicit.

Paper Boy


It was raining.

There was something about the rain that you'd always loved. Even as it soaked through your clothes, it had a way of somehow making you feel more alive. It was unnaturally cold for the season, and your only form of insulation was the newspaper stuffed between your shirt and your thin coat. There was no wind, thank God, but the chill in the still evening air was enough on it's own. You glanced over at the empty spot beside you, sighing softly.
A truck passed loudly by the alleyway, a single apple rolling out of the loosely hinged door and bouncing gracelessly up to your feet. You grabbed it quickly, running it under the semi-clear drain water in an attempt to wash the grit away. As you bit into the apple, a shadow fell over you and you glanced up, clutching the apple to your chest. You let out a sigh of relief as you saw who it was.
His dark hair was slick against his forehead, his hat doing little to keep him safe from the rain. His face was just the slightest bit dirty, and his coat was a size too big for him. His dark eyes bore circles beneath them, and he shivered slightly from the frigid air. His smile, however, was warm; warm enough to lift your spirits and keep you from curling in on yourself any further.
"Has Phinks stopped by yet?" He asked. His voice was soft and smooth as silk.
"He hasn't." You said quietly, and he dismounted his bike, walking it into the alley and crouching in the spot beside you. He was silent for a moment, then glanced at you out of the corner of his eyes.
"You can go ahead and eat. I made enough for dinner tonight." He assured you. You were hesitant to take a bite, seeing as how last time that had been a lie, but the sweet crunch between your teeth was more than welcome when you did. He smiled slightly, his hand moving to hold your other one. "I can afford a room for the night, but it will be hard to sneak everyone in. Are you willing to risk it? I know you get tired of running-"
"It's fine. Everyone deserves some rest." You said, closing your eyes after a moment and leaning against him. The wet brick against your back was starting to chafe, but you paid it no mind. Chrollo was warm, and his breathing was so soothing. You could fall asleep here just fine, rain be damned.
Phinks stood in the entrance to the alley, Feitan a step behind him. Their hair was just as soaked as the rest of them, and they looked exhausted. Feitan cupped his hands in front of his face blowing warm air into them in vain. "Uvo and Shal are waiting near the farmer's market. What's the word on tonight?"
"I made around a hundred twenty." Chrollo said, then smiled brightly. You thought that a smile like that could convince you that he held the world in his hands. "Its enough for a room, and something nice to eat."
"Good. I'm tired of eating out of the damn trash." Phinks muttered bitterly, although his smile betrayed his true relief.
"I'll go let them know." Feitan said quietly, and Chrollo nodded, telling him where they would all meet up. When Feitan and Phinks had gone, Chrollo stood and offered you his hand, smiling down at you softly.
"Let's get you out of this horrible weather, hm? We all need it."

The room was small, with a single queen size bed and kitchenette cramped together. There was a microwave on the counter, and a mini fridge was tucked in the far corner. A small table and two chairs sat close to the door, and a window air conditioning unit hummed loudly as it blew heat through the room. You had checked in, your trustworthy face the least likely to stir up suspicion, and everyone else arrived within hour long increments of each other. Everyone doubled up on showers to save time and reduce suspicion, and as usual Chrollo refused to wash up until everyone else had.
He spent the few hours before his turn reading, one of his hands resting in yours as you watched television with everyone else. The News had been the popular vote, and so you were currently watching reports on local events. Uvo's face flashed across the screen, the lady reporting on a string of robberies and assault charges. Uvo laughed and Shalnark smacked him on the arm lightly, rolling his eyes.
"Who do you think will be on next?" Phinks asked, raising an eyebrow.
"Nobunaga." Pakunoda said flatly.
"Why do you say that?" Phinks asked, his expression morphing into a scowl.
"They haven't caught onto Shal's con, and they haven't recognized Chrollo yet. Not to mention, you haven't even entered their radar." She said, then hummed. "The others are either busy surviving or aren't criminals."
You were one of the non-criminals. Your only crime lately was the fact that you'd been born poor; no family left, no hope at getting a job, incomplete schooling. The system that everyday citizens praised had failed all of you, in a way. Chrollo had plans to raise all of you out of the gutter, and you were all willing to follow him to the ends of the Earth.
Shizuku and Machi stepped out of the bathroom, a puff of steam rising behind them. Machi crossed her arms over her chest, the hotel robe swaying around her legs as she crossed the room. "The soap here is great. Save enough for the laundry or I'll kill you guys."
"Yes. We're serious." Shizuku said, glaring at you and Chrollo. You were the last two to go, as usual, and it was usually up to you guys wether or not there would be enough soap to use on the laundry. There usually was enough, but it didn't stop everyone from sending you weak glares or popping their knuckles.
Chrollo merely laughed lightly, nodding and holding the door open for you. "Of course. It'll be nice to smell like something other than hard work for once."
He shut the door behind you and the two of you started to strip. You had long moved past the shyness of being naked around each other; life on the street was rough, and strong bonds of trust were necessary for survival.
The water was deliciously hot, and Chrollo let you stand beneath it first. You closed your eyes, sighing softly and tilting your head back. After a few minutes, you moved to trade places with Chrollo. He stepped beneath the water, smiling slightly and tilting his head to the side.
"(Y/n)," he whispered, placing a hand on your shoulder. "Come here."
You hummed softly and stepped towards him, and his hand ran down your side and to your hip. You had been close to him for a long time, and this physical closeness was something that the two of you basked in together when you could. You were sure that the others knew, but you could hardly care what they thought.
Chrollo's lips were soft against your own, and his hands were gentle as they moved smoothly up and down your sides. His kisses conveyed his deep love for you, and the fire behind it made your head spin. He left a blazing trail of kisses down your neck, leaving bright marks as he made his way lower.
He was always so gentle, and yet fierce. His touch was like a match being struck, and each breath was like a silent prayer whispered against each other's skin. His eyes were dark fire, and this feeling swirling within your bodies was molten lead. He was oh-so-careful as he left kisses across your shoulder, his movements slow and calculated. Being with him like this was like a fluttering crescendo; the sudden strike of a violin amid a languid serenade.
The clattering of the shampoo bottle falling into the tub echoed through the bathroom as your movements became more frenzied. You chased the high, your breath hurried and Chrollo only a beat behind as your back arched. It was white hot lightning and frigid waves and pelting sleet all at once. Your breaths were one and the same, and kisses were exchanged openly and with little force. For a moment, you just embraced each other beneath the suddenly cool stream of the shower.

When you emerged, sleeping arrangements had already been settled. Shizuku, Pakunoda, and Machi would get the bed, and Kortopi would sleep at the foot. Feitan would sleep under the bed (voluntarily), Bonolenov would push together the chairs as a makeshift bed, Phinks would lay next to the bed by the door incase anyone came in, Uvo and Shalnark would share the tub (somehow), and Franklin would sleep on the bathroom floor. Nobunaga sat cross legged on the table, propped into the corner and already asleep. Chrollo moved to sit on the tiled floor of the kitchenette, his back against the counter and his head in another book. You smiled and sat beside him, leaning against him and closing your eyes.

The next day, your clothes were clean and it had stopped raining.
Things were looking up.

And then. They fell.

//1564 words.
//there will be a part two. What did you think?

Hunter X Hunter Male Reader InsertsWhere stories live. Discover now