Hisoka X Male!Reader

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//brief, light implied use of nen. I left a couple things for the reader to fill in, and I strayed a bit from the usual trope of an overly shy, scaredy cat reader. Hope you like thrills!
//shameless fluff.

Fair Game






"Twenty five then."


"Oh, why not? My offers have been more than reasonable." Hisoka frowned, leaning forward against the table you were sitting at. He looked down at the book you were reading and rolled his eyes. "Fifty. That's my final offer."

You closed your book and looked up at him, sighing softly as his frown curled into a grin at the attention. "Fifty jenny isn't-"
"Oh, no, you misunderstood!" He interrupted, raising his eyebrows. "Fifty thousand. Quite the offer, right?"
"Thousand?!" You asked incredulously, standing suddenly and furrowing your eyebrows. He straightened and grinned down at you, obviously awaiting your answer to the question he'd been asking for the last hour. You ran a hand through your hair and closed your eyes, obviously frustrated. "Hisoka, I'm not going to let you pay me to go to the fair with you."
He sighed exaggeratedly, tossing his head back and raising a hand in a partial shrug. "Why not? If it's not enough money I suppose I can raise to-"
"I don't want your money, okay? If you really just want someone to go with, then go ask Machi." You said, moving to step away. You waved your hand dismissively. "You like her anyways, right?"
Your eyes widened as you felt his hand land on your shoulder. You tensed up, looking at him out of the corner of your eyes. He leaned over your shoulder, squinting at the sheer size of his smile. You felt a chill run down your spine, but you felt frozen in place. Hisoka was dangerous, you knew, but he'd never seemed very threatening towards you. In fact, when he spent time with you he'd only ever teased you and or jokingly hit on you. This was the first time he'd ever done something like this.
He turned you around to face him, and you looked up at him with wide eyes. "H-Hisoka?"
He ran a hand down his face, closing his eyes briefly as he tried to calm down. His hand fell to his side and he looked into your eyes wordlessly for a moment, his expression now seemingly aloof. "You... are unbelievably dense."

Your mouth fell open, your eyebrows furrowing as your fear gave way to anger. "What?! Hey, listen here, bastard! I'm not-"
You made a noise in the back of your throat as his hand came up to cup your cheek, his lips pressing against yours. You blinked rapidly, then closed your eyes when you realised that his were closed as well. He pulled away after a moment, although his hand still rested on your cheek. "Will you go with me now? I promise to win you tons of prizes!"


This was way too strange.

Hisoka bought wristbands so you could both have unlimited access to the fair, although you'd protested at first. He grabbed your hand gently and put your wristband on for you, then put his on as well before grabbing your hand again and lacing his fingers with yours. "I'm glad I could convince you to come with me."
"You didn't have to pay though. I could have paid for my own, you know?" You asked, looking away in an attempt to hide your blush. You feigned interest in the rides around you, although you weren't near any big ones. After a moment, Hisoka hummed and laughed.
"You look so cute when you're all focused like that." He said softly, his eyelids lowering. He squeezed your hand lightly and pointed to the beginnings of the larger rides. "Let's ride the Death Coaster first, and then Screaming Bullet."
You smiled up at him and nodded, laughing as his mood shifted from flirty to excited so quickly. He pulled you toward the first coaster and the two of you got in line. You passed the time by laying out a more detailed plan for the night and chatting about a few random things. When you got on the coaster, your heartbeat picked up and your grip on Hisoka's hand tightened. You glanced over at him past the padded chest restraints, grinning. "I feel like I'm gonna die."
"Isnt it great?" Hisoka asked cheerily, then started laughing hysterically as the ride shot off.

The night was full of the wind whipping past you, the rush of your heartbeat pounding in your ears, and the sheer excitement of dangling a breath away from death. The two of you had stopped riding coasters for around half an hour to indulge in various fair foods, and now that you were finished you were walking down a row of game stalls. You had both decided it would be best to relax and digest before riding more rides.
You each played a few (obviously rigged) games, and despite the fact that neither of you won a single thing, you both enjoyed yourselves. After a few more minutes, you walked past a test-your-strength game.
Hisoka hummed and crossed his arms, stopping nearby and looking it up and down. "Hm. I think I'll take a swing at it."
You rolled your eyes and snickered at his lame pun, shaking your head. "Its obviously gonna be some impossible weight, Hisoka. No one will be able to get it over halfway, probably."
Hisoka didn't seem to mind that it may be rigged, and instead of moving along went to stand in the short line. You smiled and leaned against a wooden post, crossing your arms and waiting for him to take his turn and get it out of his system. As he got closer to the game, he became visibly restless and agitated. When it was finally his turn, he grinned widely and grabbed the mallet, raising it over his head. The air became tense, and the people nearby all went quiet, stepping away from Hisoka as he swung the mallet in a violent arch.


Hisoka smirked victoriously and raised the stuffed (animal) over his head, walking over to you and holding it out to you. He ignored the tense atmosphere, not minding the fact that he had convinced everyone in the vicinity that he had been about to commit homicide with that mallet. You took the stuffed (animal) and smiled nervously, grabbing his hand again and squeezing it. "You okay?"
"Hm?" He looked down at you, his eyebrows raised and a small frown on his face. "Yes, why?"
"You just seemed a bit... off when you were playing that game." You said, a bit hesitant to mention it.
"Oh. I hadn't noticed. Maybe it's time to ride some more rides, I suppose." Hisoka said, shrugging slightly. "I need to get my adrenaline pumping again."
You nodded, then pointed at a ride called Twisting Turntables. "How about that one then?"
He nodded and the two of you got in line, watching the rapidly spinning cars as they slid along the coaster tracks. You were both getting hyped up again, marveling at the sheer speed and thrill of the ride, when suddenly a loud smack sound rang out.
Your eyes widened, your back and shoulders stiffening as you registered the fact that you'd just had your ass slapped. Time seemed to slow down, and all other sounds seemed to fall away. You turned slowly, registering Hisoka moving beside you before realising what had happened. The guy behind you let out a choked gasp, his eyes widening as Hisoka grabbed his wrist.
"Hisoka, wait-"
There was a dull crunch as the guy's wrist snapped, and Hisoka glanced over at you, his eyes burning with fury. You took a step back, raising your hands defensively out of instinct. He let go of the guy's wrist, ignoring his shrieks of pain as he stepped towards you. You furrowed your eyebrows, swallowing thickly. "Hisoka, you-"
He grabbed your hand tenderly and pulled you toward the exit, sighing softly. He didn't say anything, and you got the feeling that something was wrong.
"Hisoka, you didn't have to do that. I could've-" You started, then fell silent as he squeezed your hand almost painfully. You couldn't see his face. When you finally stepped outside and had walked a bit away from the fairgrounds, he turned to you and put his hands on your shoulders.
"Are you afraid of me (y/n)?" He asked, looking into your eyes. You bit your lip and looked away, shaking your head. He frowned and leaned in a bit, one of his hands sliding across your shoulder to cup the back of your neck. When he spoke again, it was in a whisper. "Did you think I would hurt you?"
Your eyes flicked back to his, then down to his lips. You licked your lips subconsciously, then looked back into his eyes. "No. I... I wasn't sure what you were going to do, really."
He hummed and pulled away slightly, giving you a small smile. "I appreciate your honesty. I know you could've taken care of that yourself, but... being in such a crowded place for so long had me a bit... tense. And that guy should've kept his hands to himself."
You let out a huff of a laugh and nodded, then wrapped your arms around him and rested your head on his chest. "I had fun with you today, even after what just happened. Maybe if you want to spend time again sometime, we can go someplace quieter?"
He ran a hand through your hair, pulling you a bit closer and smiling. "Ah. So you wouldn't mind going on another date with me then?"
"Wait, this was a date?!" You asked, pulling away slightly to look back up at him again.
He chuckled and ran his thumb across your cheek, grinning broadly and lowering his eyelids. "You really are so dense."

//1628 words!
//I hope you guys enjoyed, and I hope I did well with this one. I tried to make it nice and fluffy, but I couldn't leave out Hisoka's obviously wild personality.

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