Random Asked Question [Defining Beauty]

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Date Answered: December 04, 2018


*How do you personally define beauty?

Simply, beauty for me is having the confidence. It is the confidence of showing and expressing what is within his/her heart, a cliche statement but a statement that everyone should bear in mind and heart.

Having perfect body, white fair skin, being tall and most of all having a pretty face is the new definition of beauty by most of all in this modern days. This bring inferior feelings towards others who were not able to reach these standards. Doubts about their capabilities will rise and they will start changing themselves just to please the people around him/her.

A real beautiful person learns to accept his/her flaws and know how to accept criticism constructively. A real beauty can be seen among with those who are contended and thankful. You are not beautiful if you are having self-doubt. Everything seen by our eyes are just temporary. Only the heart and God can see the true beauty within us.

Stop trying to be someone else's definition of beauty. Start being your self. There, you can appreciate your own beauty and find your confidence by saying "I am beautiful".


*Do you think you are beautiful/ handsome? What are your basis why u consider yourself beautiful?

With full of confidence, I will say that I am beautiful. For me, God did not make pretty neither ugly. It is only the people living on this judgmental word put standards to define beauty.

I am beautiful because I am confident. I know within myself that I showed the real me. We all know that we cannot please everyone. It is hard to gain acceptance from the people around us, admit it or not.

Not everyone will accept us but still, there are people who will give us strength and will say that we have our own uniqueness that make us beautiful.

I am beautiful because I never doubt my self worth. I do not let those criticisms make me feel down. A writing of Suzy Kassem said that think of a lotus flower when you doubt your self. Even though it plunges to life from beneath the mud, it does not allow the dirt that surrounds it affect its growth and beauty.


[These were asked by a friend way back 2018 through messenger chat and I found it silly how I thought this way during those times. HAHAHAHAHA]

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