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Seulgi and Jaebeom are a couple. A perfect couple. Everyone admires them.

"Couple goals." they say.

"Perfect one." they added.

They've been together for a decade and two. And they are strong.

"Hi love." Jaebeom greeted Seulgi who just happened to enter the car.

Seulgi shows him a sweet smile. She sighed and reached him for a tight hug.

"You tired?" Jaebeom whispers as he hugs her back.

Jaebeom felt Seulgi nodded.

"Then sleep on my pad. And I'll cook for you this time."

Ceased from their hugging. Seulgi smiles so wide at Jaebeom.

From that point, Jb already knows that her girlfriend must be really tired. Because knowing Seulgi, she's a person of stories. She always tell him stories about what happened on her day, what does she thinks would happen next and about things that might been bugging her.

Jaebeom just confirmed it more, when he found Seulgi sleeping already as they arrived on his condo, and when he carried her and she didn't even flinch and wake up.

Jb let her sleep on his room, and then he left to cook for her.

He tried cooking her go to dinner everytime she's drained from work.

Yeah. Seulgi loves him, and aside from him, she loves to work too. But she still can manage her time for her work and for Jaebeom. That's why Jaebeom is so whipped. And that's why he loves to take care of her too.

As he was done cooking.

He runs upstairs to call and wake up Seulgi.

He found silently sleeping on his bed. Jaebeom smiled as he stares at Seulgi's pretty and angelic face.

There's no way that he'd fall out of love with Seul. Because for him, she's the perfect one, she's the one.

"Love...wake up. Let's eat."

Seulgi didn't move at first.

"Love..." Jaebeom showers her face with his kisses.

Seulgi moves. Jb chuckles and continued kissing her.


"Love. Stop, I want to sleep."

Jaebeom just chuckled again. As long as he wants her to rest, he just can't because he wants her to eat first before sleeping, for he knows that her tummy is surely empty.

"Seulgi my sweet. You better wake up and eat. I cooked for you."

That's the cue.

Seulgi forced herself to open her eyes.

She snakes her arms on Jb's neck to pull him for a hug before getting up from the bed.

Then that night. They ate, had some catch up, they cuddle and slept.

Jb fell asleep as he was watching her sleeping that night.

"Where are we going?" Jb asked.

Seulgi's driving.

"Just wait and you'll see." She answers

Jb smirked and stole a kiss on the corner of her lips.

It's Seulgi's day off, and she planned to date Jb, her boyfriend, because she just thought that it's been awhile since they last went out for a date. Though they would always meet, but they can't go out because of each other's busy schedule, Seulgi being an in demand model, and Jaebeom being one of the highest paid djs in Asia. Plus Jaebeom's always the one to take care of her instead of her taking care of him.

"Seul—Love, is this serious?"

Seulgi laughed at Jb's tone of voice.

He's amazed. He just can't believe that Seulgi brought him to one of his favorite places. It's just around Seoul, but it's no other than Hoehyeon underground shopping center.

The gold sign was the one that caught Jb's eyes awhile ago. And seeing that excites him a lot. Because Heohyeon means shopping, and shopping for the both of them means vintage—vinyls, that they always love to play in Jaebeom's pad and they will both dance to it.

Arms wrapped on Jaebeom's neck, and Jaebeom's palms on Seulgi's tiny waist.

Or, after night dates, Seulgi's head is on Jaebeom's chest. Arms spread sidewards, palm to palm. As they dance the night away.

That's what they usually do, just so tonight.

"I love you. Im Jaebeom."

"I love you. Kang Seulgi."

"We're going to be forever right?" Jaebeom whispers

Eyes closed, Seulgi chuckles and answered.

"Of course. We will not leave each other's side."

Jaebeom smiled. And they continued to dance. Slowly, feeling the beautiful music. As if it's part of their soul.

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