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"I like that." The photographer commented as Seulgi did one of her poses for the photoshoot.

"You're really a gorg model Seulgi. No wonder that you're an in demand model in this generation and I believe for the next generation either."

Seulgi shyly smiles.

"Thank you, Sir."

The photographer just smiled.

The photoshoot continues.

Seulgi wasn't able to see the time. It's already late. After the photoshoot was wrapped up, all she can do is to go back at her hotel, clean herself up, rest and regret.

Regret that she didn't even bother calling her boyfriend who is in Korea.

She promised him that she'd still call him despite her busy schedule but look, Seulgi didn't made it tonight and even with past seven days.

What happened?

Seulgi was given a big project. And it happened to be in Paris. She accepted the project when Jb approved of it, Jb told her that it's okay if she would be very busy but she promised him that she'd still compromise, yet she couldn't even send her boyfriend a single message.

So what she did is to call him. Trying to contact his boyfriend from Korea.

She's lucky. Because he answered.

But is she really lucky?

Because Jinyoung is the one who answered the call. Jb's bestfriend. And it's probably 7 in Korea.

"Seulgissi! Is that you?"

Seulgi gulped and nodded, as if Jinyoung will see her.


She heard loud noises.

"Where is Jb? Where are you? Is he already working?" She asked

But she heard Jinyoung chuckle.

"No, he's knocked out!" Jinyoung shouts as the background sound is too loud.

"He drank! He's been like this for days. Are you guys okay?"

From that moment, Seulgi starts to cry, silently.

She's so ashamed of herself.

How could she do that to the person she loves the most?

She ended the call by asking Jinyoung a favor, to take care of her boyfriend, Jb. And then she cried on her hotel room. Not minding that she still have a photoshoot for the next day.

On the next day. Seulgi is indeed professional, for despite her personal problems, she still made it to the photoshoot.

But every break time, she'd try to call Jb, he'd answer but he seems so cold towards her. And there's no one to blame that time but herself, Seulgi thought.

Another week passed by. But it would be her last week.

Jb and her are still not okay. And it's starting to affect Seulgi, big time. For some photographers  and directors would talk to her privately, asking her if she has any problems and what would she just answer is nothing, and she'd just apologise.

In the middle of the photoshoot, Seulgi was halted by the staffs when a call was made for her.

And it's no other than Jinyoung.


"Jinyoung? Hey? What's the call about? Is there a problem?"

Jinyoung cleared his throat. Making Seulgi touched her own throat, suddenly it feels dry, because she felt something weird.

What's happening? She thought.

"How are you and Jb?"

Seulgi looked away, as if Jinyoung was there on her front.

"W-We're not okay..."

"That's why."

"Why? What happened?"

"Nothing, but Jaebeom is so distant right now, since yesterday and I'm just afraid that he's going through another depression Seul, you know Jaebeom, because he's even avoiding me."

"I badly wanted to talk to him but he won't let me, and this is stressing me out, causing Jisoo and I fight."

"Okay. I'll go home now. I won't finish this anymore. I want to see my love now. Tell him that I'm coming home, Jinyoung."

Seulgi being true to her words. She didn't finish the project. She couldn't think of anything at this moment but only Jaebeom.

She's longing for hin, big time.

She wants to apologise to him.

And that's gonna happen the moment she arrives at Korea.

"Jaebeomie..." she whispers, as she hugs him from behind.

Tears rolling down her cheeks.

Jaebeom's doing the dishes on his own pad.


Jaebeom immediately turned around.

Shocked at Seulgi's presence.

But he hugged her back. That's why Seulgi cried more.

Saying sorry non stop.

"I'm so sorry..."

"Why did you go home? I thought it's gonna end by Sunday? It's still Friday."

Seulgi cried. Again. Because Jaebeom turned cold, real quick.

She released herself from the hug and look up at him.

"Baby...I'm so sorry. Please forgive me."

"Seul...there's nothing to sorry about. Just rest, okay?" He said, looking directly on her eyes.

Seulgi hugged him again.

Why does she can't read him this time?

She wants to know what is he thinking, what's bothering him, and what is feeling right now.

But maybe Jaebeom is right.

Maybe she needs some rest first, then they'll talk.

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