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"Maybe he's tired. I heard his gigs are full."

"Jinyoung. Is that even possible—"

"It is. Remember? You didn't contact him for a week when you were in Paris?"

Suddenly, Seulgi was stopped.

Jinyoung is right.

Maybe after Jaebeom telling her to rest first, and after a week, he's still throwing her coldness, and she's bothered that's why she went to Jinyoung.

To ask him if other than drinking, what could Jaebeom do with the days that she's away, to have him like that. Cold. And distant.

"How are you and Jisoo?" She asked, as she hold the picture frame Jinyoung have on his office table. It was upside down when she picked it up.

It's him and Jisoo. His long time girlfriend.

"W-we're good."

Seulgi looks up at Jinyoung.

He looks away from her.

"Are you sure?"

"Of cour—"

The door opened. With Jisoo rushing in. Didn't seem to see Seulgi, because she's crying.

"Jinyoung...babe, let me explain first—"

"Get out." Seulgi heard Jinyoung said, coldly.

Seulgi probably knows that it's for Jisoo but she still left her chair to leave.

"I'm going to tell you now whom I did it with."

But everything is so quick.

One moment, she's just asking about what possibly happened to Jaebeom, then next, the biggest painful bomb exploded right on her ears.

"It's Jaebeom...babe. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. Please forgive me now. It's Jaebeom I had one night stand with. Last week. Jinyoung, babe. Please...."

Trembling. Seulgi turned to the couple.

Just to get hurt more.

"You fooled me!" Jinyoung screams

"That's not true!" Seulgi claims. With her high tone of voice.

Jisoo turned to her, palms covering her mouth. Yeah. She's shocked at Seulgi's presence.

"That's fucking true Seulgi! Jisoo already said it! And I'm going to kill that bastard!"

"I said that's not true—"

"I'm sorry, Seulgi..." Jisoo cries

Kneeling in front of her.

Seulgi wants to scream at Jisoo. Seulgi wants to hurt Jisoo but at this moment, all she could think is what just happened for Jisoo and Jaebeom to do that to her and to Jinyoung.

She screamed in pain. Crying her torn heart out.

Seulgi was on her penthouse.

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