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The two started drinking, slowly.

"The day I called you when you were in Paris, I didn't have any idea. But days had passed, Jisoo's getting weirder and weirder. That's when I confronted her, and then she told me that she had a one night stand, and we broke up, I broke up with her, coz she doesn't want to say who it is—"

"She already did."

"Yes. When I told her that I won't break up with her if she'd tell who she had one night stand with."

Seulgi sarcastically chuckled. Jinyoung looks at her.

"Did you come back to her?" Jinyoung clenched his jaw before answering Seulgi's question.

"No. I just said that so she'd tell me."

"Stupid." Seulgi commented

"Of course. We are all stupid."

Seulgi nodded and drank her beer.

"Jaebeom is stupid for cheating with his bestfriend's girlfriend, You are stupid for coming home not knowing that the reason why you came back cheated on you—"

Seulgi cuts off Jinyoung.

"You are stupid for asking Jisoo who had sex with, and she is stupid for believing that you'd come back to her once you'd learn that your bestfriend and your girlfriend fucked."

Seulgi even laughed.

She laughed and laughed, until she's already crying.

"He fooled me." She cried. And it would be the very first time that she'd cry after a week of forgetting how to do it. And this time, Jinyoung is there, Jinyoung's shoulder is there.

She's not alone anymore.

"Jb...let's talk."

"Seulgi. Love! Oh fuck. When? Where?"

"Now. Come here immediately." And then she hung up the call.

Jb, as too desperate to see and talk to Seulgi, he rushed into her penthouse.

Unaware. Not ready. For what awaits for him.

And as he arrived at her place.

Right in front of him.

He witnessed, Seulgi, with only her conforter covering her body, with swollen eyes, as she open the door for him.

A tear escaped from her eye, yet, there's no emotion.

And then he saw Jinyoung, behind Seulgi, wearing towel only.


"We did it. So are we equal now?" As she said those, another tear fell.

"This is not true..."he whispers

"It is." Jinyoung commented. Showing him his cold eyes.

"You jerk!" Jb screamed and attacks Jinyoung

That night, Seulgi didn't know that her broken heart can still be shattered, in the most tiny pieces.

Because what she just did only hurt her more.

That night, wanted to just leave, the world, forever.

Because she didn't know that she still wants to follow Jb and tell him that it's not true. That there's nothing happened between her and Jinyoung. That it's only part of revenge, to hurt him. To make him feel the pain he inflicted her.

But how could she follow him? When she's too broken.

For what he did to him, and for she did to him, and to herself.

He cheated. She lied. And the pain is the same.

Too much.

Now, can you call it equal? If what she felt is coming from what really happened, and if what she wants him to feel was even real, and won't ever happen.

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