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Autumn's POV

I stared at my phone when I saw the caller, Tamaki Suou. Why in the world is he calling me? I answered it and heard loud yelling. I sighed, "Tamaki it's too early for you to be yelling."

Tamaki started whining, "But I can't find her! Haruhi might have been kidnapped!" He was releasing a ton of distress in his voice.

I heard Kyoya, "Tamaki she's probably fine. I doubt she'd let herself get kidnapped."

He whined, "But what if she was?!"

Kyoya sighed, "Did you ask her dad?"

Tamaki kept whining, "No, but she's gone!"

Everyone started chiming in. I pulled my phone away and noticed it.

-7 callers connected-

I smiled and returned it to my ear. Does Tamaki have the club on speed dial or something?


I sat at a cafe table watching the guys compete for the last room. I smiled amused at the scene. I want my brothers to win but I also don't. It'd be odd to stay at the estate by myself.

I wasn't surprised when I heard Kyoya tell Haruhi earlier that he wasn't competing because they all had houses in Karuizawa. Haruhi looked shocked though. Am I the only one that sees her plight? Probably, with how they act.

They're all so smart though. I know why my brothers act so devious and slightly childish. I'm pretty sure our parent's divorce and me choosing to live with dad did that. Hikaru has been pretty rough to me because of it.

I wonder about the others though. Like why is Mori so quiet? Why is Honey so cunning yet presenting himself as purely innocent? I stood up and went to the sliding door. Why is Kyoya so calculating?

I placed my hand on the handle. Why does Tamaki act so carefree? I slid open the door. Why do I even have these questions? I looked around at everyone being outside besides Kyoya.

I noticed Mori chopping wood, shirtless. Then I looked over to Tamaki to see him doing a terrible job "fixing" a fence. Tamaki is just making it look worse in my opinion. Honey was watching him while munching on the cake.

I turned and saw my brothers on the porch. I grinned at them. I watched as they played with the water hose. After a moment, they narrowly avoided being hit by a flowerpot. Then they went to their brotherly love act.

I heard, "Refresher points!" I turned and saw the inn's owner beside me. More points to them? They'll probably get it...


Soon enough, I figured out that my brothers got to stay in the room. I sat in one of the rooms in the estate. I occasionally heard footsteps in the hall yet besides that it was silent.

I pulled my laptop out of my backpack. I hit on the familiar call. After five rings it was picked up. I looked at my screen with a smile, "Hey, dad!"

He grinned, "Hey, Sunshine! How have you been?"

I peered at him. I noticed the stack of paper almost off-screen. I said, "I've been fine. School's been going okay, I'm still a good student."

He placed his arm out, "Here's the hug." He then let them return to his lap. "So how have you and Hikaru been since last time? Getting along any better?"

I nodded yes, "Yeah, a little bit. He doesn't seem to hate my presence anymore."

Dad grinned broadly, "Well, that's great! I wish I could see them..." He sighed and trailed off. He bent his elbow and placed his chin atop his palm.

Auburn Sunshine (Ouran OHSHC) (Hitachiin Twins (Triplets))Where stories live. Discover now