chapter two

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It's been at least 2 hours that I've been looking. Everyone was waking up so I quickly stopped when Raven entered the room with Echo, and Emori.

Raven rolled her eyes, "Oh look! It's the girl who tied us up."

I scoffed, "Oh look! It's the people who left me behind on earth to die! I'm done with you all treating me like crap! You guys left me, and then I saved your-"

I was cut off by Bellamy entering the room. He stared at us. Raven was the first who spoke up.

She cleared her throat, "good luck at the meeting today, Clarke and Bellamy."

I walked out the door and started walking to the castle when Bellamy grabbed my wrist turning me around.

He glared at me, "Where you really yelling at Echo?"

I scoffed, "I'm done with them treating me horribly! You guys left me yet IM the bad guy! Now let's go."

He stared at me with pain in his eyes. I don't care he caused me pain too.

We got to the castle and Russell was going to grab my hand but Bellamy stopped him again.

I stared at Russell with Bellamy's arm in front of me, "Where's my dads watch?"

He stared at me shocked. I tried pushing past Bellamy's arm but he kept it there not letting me fight Russell.

I rolled my eyes and held onto Bellamy's arm that was in front of me, "Listen Russell. I wanna be friends but if you stole my dads watch from me I really need it back. It is the only thing I have left."

He shook his head, "I'm sorry Clarke I don't have it."

I let go of Bellamy's arm when we walked inside. I was behind him and we went back to the library. Bellamy and Russell were talking when I found a box of book labeled "The Lightbournes". I opened it and wow. They have an interesting life. They are night bloods just like me. As I was putting the book back Bellamy pulled me over to the couch.

Russell got up from his seat and went to sit next to me. I moved over closer to Bellamy and he noticed and put an arm around me. Russell is giving me bad vibes.

Bellamy looked at Russell who was trying to pull me closer to him. What the heck!

He realized my discomfort, "Sorry... you just smell like Jake a little. He was my best friend."

He went back to the other couch, "So. I'd like to have you both for dinner tonight. I would like to discuss some topics."

Bellamy's arm was still wrapped around me.

He nodded his head, "Okay.. that works."

I sighed, "Russell? How did my dad die?"

He frowned and Bellamy pulled me closer.

"I'm okay bell," I whispered.

He held me tightly still.

Russell cleared his throat and got a book titled, "Jake" and sat down.

He handed it to me, "Take this, read it before dinner and return it whenever your done."

I nodded and took it. Bellamy kept his arm around me while I flipped through the pages and they talked.

Tears where starting to form and I shut the book and placed it down next to me. I had read 5 pages and I wanted to break down and cry. My dad was my best friend. I miss him so much.

My breathing got heavy and Bellamy seemed to notice.

He stood up and pulled me up with him, "We are going to get going. See you at dinner tonight."

I grabbed the book and we walked out. He took his arm off me when we got outside. I ran to where me and Madi where and put the book down.

I walked outside and saw Gaia with Madi.

I walked over to them, "Hey Madi, Gaia."

Gaia smiled when Madi splashed her at water. She was in the pond.

I smiled, "Guys! Come with me I know somewhere you can swim!"

Madi wrapped her jacket around herself and I grabbed blankets to use to sit on. I walked them down to the beach.

Madi smiled and ran in.

Gaia laughed, "I will watch her, you have to get ready for your dinner."

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