chapter 3

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Clarke's POV

I put on a coral colored dress that Russell gave me. It went to a little above my knees. I walked down the stairs where Bellamy was waiting for me.

I looked down at my wrist and frowned, "Ready Bellamy?"

He smiled, "Yea. Come on. Remember-"

I cut him off, "Stay behind you."

When we got there Russell brought us into their dining area. Cards with our name on it labeled our seat. I was next Russell and Bellamy was across from me.

Bellamy stared at Russell, "No way. Clarke next to me now."

I sighed, "Bel it's fine."

Russell smirked and put a hand on my thigh. Bellamy couldn't see though. This man is like 60?! What the heck!

I frowned at his touch and pushed him off.

Bellamy got out of his seat and picked me up and placed me next to him.

Russell glared at Bellamy, "Bellamy. She was fine."

Bellamy pushes his chair closer to me and when Russell looked away whispered in my ear.

"I don't like this, Clarke," he whispered.

I nodded my head in agreement.

I don't know why but Bellamy makes me feel so safe when I'm with him. It's weird. Some days I'm so happy with Bellamy then the next i hate him.

Russell stares at me smiling, "Clarke, eat something."

I frowned, "I'm not hungry..."

He thought for a moment, "I'll tell you more about your dad if you eat."

My body tensed up and Bellamy placed an arm around me.

I frowned again, " thank you."

Russell shrugged, "I will help you guys get started on building your own home, just I need you both to come to the castle tomorrow so we can discuss some blue prints."

Bellamy's POV

Russell is giving me such bad vibes. Dinner finally ended and me and Clarke sat outside by the pond on a bench. I didn't have my arm around her.

I looked at her, "Clarke? Are you okay?"

She stood up but was still staring at the water, "Yeah, I'm going to go to bed. Night bel."

She got up and walked inside. I feel terrible for her. Everyone is treating her bad and then Russell isn't making it any better. I got up and went to Echo and I's room.

I smiled, "Hey Echo."

I got next to her.

She was half asleep, "Hi Bellamy."


The next morning I woke up and walked out to the main area where everyone hangs out. Madi's eyes were red and puffy.

I frowned, "Whats happening?"

Raven stood up and swallowed, "Bellamy... uh Clarke is gone."

Madi let out another sob. I hugged her, "Madi I'll find her I promise you okay? She would never abandon you unless she was threatened or taken. She might be at the castle I'll go check."

Madi nodded. I went to Russell's and there she was. Laughing with a boy her age. I walked over and pulled her outside.

My voice with full with anger, "What the hell!? Why didn't you tell anyone you were leaving!"

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⏰ Last updated: May 27, 2020 ⏰

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