Ch.14: Meeting Champion Alder

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Leaving Nimbasa Gym, Pink rides her bike towards rt.5 Midway through her ride, Cher calls out to her.
Cheren: Halt, Pink! We've both got the Bolt Badge, so I want to see which of us is stronger and im gonna win this time.
Pink: (stops and gets off her bike) we'll see about that Cher.
[Pink v. Cher]
Cher sends out Liepard 
Pink sends out Blaze
Cher:fake out
Pink: low kick
Cher: fury swips
Pink: rock smash
<liepard faints>
Cher sends out dewott
Pink sends out sage
Cher:razor shell
Pink:seed bomb
Cher:water pulse
Pink:razor leaf
Cher: bubble beam
Pink: grass knot
<dewott faints>
Cher sends out pansear
Pink sends out Zor
Cher:flame burst
Pink:night daze
Cher:fire punch
Pink:dark pulse
Cher:fire pledge
Pink:feint attack
<pansear faints>
Cher sends out tanquill
Pink sends out Blaze
Cher:aerial ace
Pink:flare blitz 
Cher:air cutter
Pink: heat crush
<tranquill faints>
Cheren: ...Why? Why can't I win against you 
(Elesa walks up.)
Elesa: So you two are friends, then.How nice.That way, you can boost each other up when needed. Well, let's go.
When they get near the bridge, an man with a spiky red hair calls out to them.
"Oh! If it isn't Elesa!" aren't festivals great! Gotta have some fun with life!
Cheren: ...And this is?
Elesa: He's Alder, the Champion of the Unova region.
Cheren: He's the Champion?!  why is the Champion frolicking in a place like this?
Alder: I heard that! You're a harsh lad, ain't ya? Hey there. My name's Alder. Champion of the Unova League! And FYI, I'm not "frolicking," I'm questing! Questing through every nook and cranny of Unova!
Cheren: ...I come from Nuvema Town, myself. Call me Cheren and (points to Pink) this is Pink. I'm aiming to become Champion.
Alder: Hm! Adventuring with a goal's a right admirable thing. So what do you plan to do once you're Champion, kiddo?
Cheren: ...Is there anything to it beyond seeking power? The Champion is the strongest Trainer... and that's about it, right?
Alder: Hmm, getting stronger huh...? Wonder if that's really such a good goal to have? Well, I won't be one to shoot down your ideas, of course. Different strokes for different folks, so I let people live with Pokémon how they see fit. I'm always putting that first in my thoughts.(points towards two kids) But maybe if you tried playing with the kids here, you'd understand a lil' better. (calls out to them) Will you two have a battle with these trainers?
Kids: sure
Cher:ok lets do this Pink.
[trainer battle]
preschoolers sends out herider
Pink sends out Blaze
Cher sends out Liepard
P.S: take down
Pink: rock smash
Cher:fury swips
P.S: tackle
Pink: ember
Cher: assurance
<heriders faints>
Alder: Good job! You didn't win, but it was still a great battle! Your Pokémon sure look happy, too! Now then, Cheren. There's guys like you who seek strength... And there are guys like these kids who are satisfied just being with Pokémon. All kinds, I tell you. And all kinds of answers, too. We seem to have different ideas of what it means to be Champion, but keep thinking yours anyway!
Elesa: ...Well, let's go. The drawbridge to Driftveil is just ahead.
Cheren: Being the Champion is all about strength! That's the only answer there can be...!
So Pink Cher and Elesa arrives at the bridge.
Elesa: Okay, I'll get in contact. (ring. ring) It's me. Lower the drawbridge. There's Trainers here who want to challenge you. Yeah. Thanks. Now, watch!
The bridge is lowered in an an amazing way.
Elesa: I've got a TV stint, so I'll be heading back now. The gym leader in the next town's a bit of an old-timer, but just do your best. 
(Elesa leaves.)
Cheren: ...I'm a Trainer. Getting stronger and winning is how I can prove I'm right. Even to the Champion. Well let go to Driftvell Pink.
And so the two cross the brigde.

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