Ch.14: Awake

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A/N: hey guys! Here's a new chapter that I hope you guys will like 😉. I wasn't sure if I should've made this one update or two back to back updates but decided to make it one longer chapter (I think). Anyways, happy reading and stay safe!
-taesmaniandevil 💜

It's 7:00 in the morning when Taehyung wakes up. He goes down to the dining hall to eat a hardy breakfast before heading off to training. Once he's done eating Tae heads back to his room where he enters his en suite bathroom to take a shower and brush his teeth. He then goes and changes into his training outfit and heads to the training grounds which are near the only river of the Empire. It was also ideal for training for the territory of the Lily Empire.

Tae heads to the training grounds with his horse Soonshim. When he arrives he sees Yoongi, Hoseok and Jungkook waiting for him.

"You finally decided to show up princess."

"Shut up Jeon. I'm here so get over it and let's get training," Tae retorts. 

With that, Tae walks off and goes to put Soonshim in the stables and start concentrating on training.

Now that was easier said than done. See today's training was practicing their swimming and water treading skills. But all Tae could focus on was Jungkook. The way his white shirt became practically transparent, showing the definition of his abs and biceps was making Tae stare, but I mean who wouldn't? This caused Tae to almost drown which was quite embarassing for him.

They were training for a couple of hours when they got hungry.  Jin had brought them lunch about an hour ago that consisted of juice, sandwiches and some fruit. The three boys take their lunch and walking off, leaving Tae behind. Rolling his eyes at their childish ways, Tae takes his lunch and goes to eat by himself under a tree. Meanwhile, the trio look over to Tae to see him eating his lunch happily without a care that he's been singled out. Hoseok looks to Tae with sympathy, thinking his friends are being dramatic but he decides to not voice his thoughts.

After they were done eating they returned to their intensive training.

This was the routine. Train, eat alone and train some more. But a part of that routine slightly changed at the end of the 1st week of training.

Taehyung was sitting under his usual tree, eating his lunch until he is covered in darkness. A shadow caused by someone's presence. Hoping, it was Jungkook, Tae is slightly disappointed to see Hoseok standing over him but nonetheless he was happy that at least one of them approached him.

"Your Majesty."

"Just call me Taehyung or Tae." Tae offers Hoseok a small smile.

"I would like to apologize for my behaviour and the childishness of my friends. I called you a bitch without even hearing your side the of the story and it was completely uncalled for. I truly apologize, I just felt so betrayed. I hope you can forgive me on day."

"You are forgiven. But don't apologize for your friends, you aren't responsible for their actions. Let's get to know each other and I hope we can become friends!" Hobi gives Tae one of his heart shaped smiles and sits himself next to the prince so he can talk to him before they have to train once again.

Meanwhile, Jungkook and Yoongi observe the laughing duo. Jungkook scoffs at Hoseok's decision to become friends with the prince and Yoongi simply glares at them.

Ignoring the spiteful and judgmental duo, Taehyung is just happy to have a new friend, especially while he's training. No more eating lunch alone!

It's now Sunday. The one day off they have from training. Taehyung was in the castle library reading a book when he hears footsteps approaching him. On high alert, Tae puts down the book he was reading and looks up to see Yoongi standing in front of him.

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