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No ones POV
Y/n is one of the stars in the new riverdale, her and the rest of the cast have recently become really famous because the show on Netflix has blown up.
Y/n is 6ft, she has a strong build and she was also born with male genitalia.

(Set before tell me you love me btw)


Currently I am on the set of riverdale and me and kJ are messing about, running around shirtless.

" come on guys stop" Lilly shouts at us. We stop then go get ready so we can all go grab some dinner before an interview with vogue.

I put on some black skinny jeans and a vintage shirt with some vans and sunglasses.
We all got in the car and listened to music on the way to Taco Bell. I drove the car through the drive through and ordered all of our food, we ate it then drove to vogue.

**the interview**

"Hi everyone" Tanya the interviewer said

"Hi" we replied

"So today I am going to ask you all fan questions, so will you be able to answer them" Tanya said. "Yes, of course" Camila replied

"Ok, is it true that Y/N, kJ and Cole are best friends?" "Yes and they are always causing trouble" Madeline answered making us all laugh.

"At the MTV awards, Y/N was shipped with a few people, Demi lovato, Rihanna and Ariana Grande, who is your favourite". "Well, I think they are all nice but I have got to say I find Demi Lovato the most attractive, because I mean that's pretty self explanatory" she nodded at my answer.

"Is there anything you would like to say to the fans?" "We love youu" we all shouted at the same time causing everyone in the room to laugh.

**back in the car**

"Hey dude, you wanna come to the club with the rest of the cast tonight?" kJ asked me. I nodded "I'll drop you all off at the car park and then go home and get ready then meet you all there" "ok" he replied.

I dropped them all off then made my way back home.

When I got home I headed upstairs and got a shower, I decided to go in gym clothes because they are comfy.
**what you look like tonight**

This is the closest thing I could find to what I'm thinking of

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This is the closest thing I could find to what I'm thinking of.

You sort your curly hair out but putting some hairspray on and you head out to the car.
I arrived at the club and I go up to the front door the bouncer recognised me and took me to the table where the rest of the cast is sat.

"Y/n/n, bout fucking time" Camila said to me. "Shut it cam, it's takes time to look this good" I say while sitting down.

"Where's kJ, Cole and Lilly?" I asked her, she pointed to where they were sat at the bar getting drinks. "What's the occasion, why are we here?" I asked Madeline as she sat down with Vanessa.

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