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Y/N's PoV
**two days later**

Today is the day of the met so that means I gotta get up and go straight to hair, makeup and wardrobe. The cast of Riverdale decided that we will all go together so we are getting our wardrobe done together at Cole's house because it's the biggest.

**at cole's**

"Y/N take a seat please, and don't dare look at kJ because we haven't got any time for your shenanigans" the head of my glam team said. I just nodded and sat down.

I decided to go on snapchat and snap kJ. I recorded a few videos of them getting ready until I had to get my clothes on and this is what my suit looked like:

 I recorded a few videos of them getting ready until I had to get my clothes on and this is what my suit looked like:

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They finished the last of my hair so I went to wait by the front door for the limousine to pull up. One by one people were starting to finish getting ready, all of the girls looked stunning and all of the guys looked really smart. About 10 minutes later the limo pulled up and we all got in and took a seat.

The tensions were high in the car, mainly because the girls were nervous and scared of something was to go wrong.

"Stop laughing at us it's not funny" Vanessa whined at me. "Ok ok sorry your majesty" I said making people laugh.

Exactly 46 minutes later we pulled up. One by one we got out the car and all I could hear is screams from the fans that are across the road from the venue.

I get to the start of the red carpet and pose for what felt like 3,000,000 pictures. At the half way point of the carpet that is where the interviews are and I was waiting behind Demi whilst she was getting her interview done.

"Hey, Y/N" Justin shouted, whilst him and hailey walked over to me.

"Hey guys you both look awesome how long did it take you?" I asked. "30 minutes for Justin but 2 hours for me" I laughed "what about you?" Hailey asked. "Ummm probably about 1 hour or so, but that's because I was being an idiot" I replied.

"Y/N come and join Demi" the interviewer said. So I walked next to Demi and pecked her cheek and said hi.

"Y/N, how are you doing with all this fame?" the woman asked.  "I'm doing okay, I'm surrounded by amazing people"

"Demi, have you watched Riverdale?"
"Umm duh, who hasn't I binge watched it as soon as it came out I'm obsessed" Demi replies giggling. Which was adorable by the way.

"So recently there has been some flirty messages between you two and fans are going crazy, what's going on?" She asked both of us. Me and Demi just looked at each other and smiled.

"Well Y/N is an amazing person and we are getting on really well" Demi replies, I agreed with her.

"Does this mean there is a future for you two?"

"Never day never" I replied and with that I took Demi's hand to guide her away before two many questions are asked and I say the wrong thing and fuck things up completely.

"I'm so over this" Demi whispered to me.
"I know baby, let's just get it over with so we can get out of here, only three more interviews left then we can go" I said back to her. I saw her blush when I called her baby, but she thinks I didn't, I can hold that against her now.

"Come on lets go then" Demi said while dragging me to the next interview.

**two hours later**

I have just finished my last interview so I decided to look for Demi. I saw her and she was stood talking to her best friend nick Jonas, who I have met a few times and he seems like a nice guy so I started walking over to them.

"Hey Y/N, it's good to see you again" nick said while shaking my hand. "You to nick, it's been a while. How is Joe and Kevin and the kids?" I asked him, I'm pretty good friends with Kevin and I treat his kids like my nieces.
"They are all doing great thanks for asking" I just nodded and I looked at demi to see her with a huge cheesy smile across her face.

"I've got to go but I'll text you when we are all in town and we can take the kids to the beach or something. Bye Y/N bye Demi" he hugged us both and left.

"I didn't know you knew each other" Demi said confused. "I'm good friends with Kevin so that's how we met" I said back. "So you good with kids, huh?" Demi said while playfully nudging me. I laughed. "Yea I suppose I am"

"Y/N you ready to go...........oh hi Demi" kJ said. "Oh god what do you want?" I asked him. "We are heading back to Camila and meltons place you gonna tag along, oh and Demi your more than welcome to"

"Sure, why not I have nothing better to do" Demi said. "Ok" I replied. With that we all got in the limo to go to cams house.

**at Camila and Charles meltons house**

We all went inside the house, there was music playing and loads of food and drinks. It looked awesome.

"Come on, let's get a drink" I said to Demi she nodded. I intertwined our fingers and we walked over to the drinks.

"So Demi, I have a question..........are you single?" I asked her. She sighed and looked at the ground. It felt like I was being repeatedly punched in the gut.


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