Chapter 8 - House or Home?

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oh hey dere :)

do you guys like it so far? :)

Harry grandma passed away :'( #RIPHarrysgrandma <3

love you ! :)

-wonita :) xx


Harry's POV

We had, had dinner omg, mum is the best cook in the whole entire world ! can't wait for 5 weeks of it. I am so glad I am home I thought sighing to myself, we were old re-runs of X-Factor, I don't like watching myself on X-Factor it just reminds of Caroline Flack. Ooooh she was fit, and old ! god Harry she with 15 years older than you, when you were born she was probably getting dru-being a nerd at school more like. I could see Taylor humming along to the songs, she must be a fan, but if she was a fan she was containing herself extremely well, compared to the fans in Swedin...they are...well...a handfull, I decided to spark up a small convosation with her in the add break once Robin and Anne had gone to bed, because they both have work tomorrow and Gemma was making some popcorn in the kitchen.

"so Taylor? your a fan?" I asked

"oh yeah I guess" she said, I guess she was still shy

"well I must say you are keeping it in impecible well" I said complementing her

"thank you Harry" she said with a smile and I saw a dark shade of crimson creep on to already rosy cheeks, she seemed like a lovely girl. I want to get to know her better.

**2 weeks later (Taylor is now 16, change of plan. sorry)**

Taylor's POV

OHH MYY GODD ! curse mum's rosy cheeks. Now being around Harry so much I am blushing 24/7 ! damm you Harry and you good looks and flirtatious charm ! Harry and I had gotten really close but every day someone had been at home either Anne or Robin as Gemma left a week ago to go visit Tyler in Australia, speaking of Australia I have a cousin in Australia, she is quiet tall but not like overly tall, like not towering over tall. She had long flowing brown hair but dead straight and bright blue piercing blue eyes and pearly straight white teeth...lucky bitch, her name was Anna or Boo, only I am allowed to call her that, we have a thing she calls of Bear and I call Boo like what Harry calls Louis, OMG ! I am going to meet One Direction in like a week. HOLY MOTHER FUCKING SHIT, just a tad excited, I let out a little giggle at my thoughts. Today was Harry and I's first day alone, no Anne, no Robin and no Gemma. Not that its a bad thing, its just I can get to know Harry but not as Harry Styles of One Direction, but as Harry from Holmes Chapel, and I was

. I was still in bed, fuck I was defiantly not getting out of bed today, I looked at the clock 8 o'clock, good I could fit another 2 hours of sleep before Harry got up ..................................................................................................................................................................................................................Knock, Knock on my bedroom door "its Harry !" he said excitedly

"ugh ! come in" I said still half asleep

"good morning sleepyhead" Harry said as he advanced to the bottom of my bed

"what? its like 8am" I said, he pulled out his phone and looked at time time

"hunn, its 12pm, sooooo you gotta get up" he said

"Awww really?" I say with a pout on my lips

"yes what do you want to do today aye?" he said with a smirk across his lips

"I was wanting to maybe stay in a watch movies but then again I do need clothes so I have to go back to my old house and pack all my stuff" I said shuddering at the thought of my old house.

"well what if you go there today and I will go with you" he said with a cheesy grin slapped over his face

"Awww thank you harry warry" I said in a baby voice and squeezing his chubby cheeks

"okey dokey I will get all sexy-ed up then" he said with a wink and a cheeky grin, oh gotta love the that boy


We were walking up to my house Harry beside me, I was kinda nervous, I mean mum shouldn't be home but if she is I am screwed. We kinda walked up to my house randomly talking about stuff and sometimes occasionally skipping cause we are normal like that. When we finally got to my house I got up to the front, I slid the key into the hole, pulled on the handle and twisted the key and soon as the door open I was drowned in stood at the door, I felt the tears well up in my eyes and the just came and flowed out on to my cheeks like an unstoppable water fountain. I turned to face Harry, he was standing with his hands in pockets smiling

"Harry, I can't do this" I said between sobs

"That's ok love. Do you want me to go with you?" he said, I quickly nodded. Next thing I know he was running up the stairs and slung his arm around me. Right now, the old me would be fan girling at this very moment when Harry Styles was walking into my house me under the weight of his protective arm, he was the older brother I have never had and I liked it.


Heeey ! :)

How are you? :)

so um, wattpad deleted my whole account so I was freaking out for like 3 days so I couldn't update, but all good now ! :)

remember ! please comment, vote and fan :)

kik me: @wonitaaa

love you ! :) <3

-wonita :) xx

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