fallen goddess 『 ss zelda 』

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The sound of two screams coming closer and closer woke you up from the nap you were taking under the shade of a few trees

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The sound of two screams coming closer and closer woke you up from the nap you were taking under the shade of a few trees. What the hell was that?
You slowly rose to your feet and looked in the direction of where the sound had last been in. At this point, all the sounds of distress were gone. The sounds of the forest had replaced anything that may have been wrong. However, you couldn't help but feel a slight discomfort at how quickly it had become silent. Had one of those vile monsters killed the source? Grabbing a weapon— makeshift or not— you began towards the end of the screaming.
It didn't take you long to come upon a clearing that you had been pretty sure would realistically be the place where it had ended. However, you saw no signs of anyone or anything being present... Not until you looked up into the tree, at least. There, amidst the leaves and branches, you could see a mess of blue feathers as well as golden strands of hair and obviously torn pink fabric. As if on cue, a groan of pain came from the golden hair. So it was attached to a person, then...

What do you do?

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⏰ Last updated: May 26, 2020 ⏰

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