Chapter 1

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The result of two years of work and a colossal amount of efforts was almost done. I only have to press the Enter key and my masterpiece would be able to be seen and installed by all the users of App Store and Play Market. My finger pushes the key, and, like every time when I upload my games on these digital distribution platforms, I see this grey bar and a word : Loading. Really, this one single word is enough to make me angry, I don't even know why! While the game is uploading, I will tell you a bit about myself. My name is Alfred, and I'm 27 years old. I have light skin, brown hair, green eyes ... But who even cares about this? The important thing is that I am a misanthrope and a video game developer. Well , being a misanthrope is not a profession , but it requires efforts. For example , I can't go into restaurants or even shops , so I order my food and drinks by Deliveroo or Uber Eats . Every time the delivery man comes , I need to put on a mask and my hood so that nobody can see my face . But I wasn't always like this . Before , I had many friends and I was always happy , I lived a perfect life , I was going in many beautiful countries for holidays because my parents were rich . But then , my parents died in an car accident , and the police was almost sure that this accident was not an accident , but a crime committed someone . Altough I was really sad , I still had friends , we played together and we chatted , like before . Many years passed and my uncle  bought a big villa in the suburbs of New York for me .  One day , I invited by best friend , Billy , to my house . I opened Facebook on my computer , and then went to the kitchen because I wanted to take some muffins , but I couldn't find them . While I was searching for these delicious chocolate and raspberry muffins, I heard that someone was typing on a PC . I knew that Billy didn't have a PC, so I went back in the living room and I saw he was typing something on my computer . As he was my friend and I trusted him, I said nothing and asked him if he wants a muffin .

He said, "Sure ! Thank you !"

"Do you want to play Mario Kart on the Nintendo Switch ?" I asked.

"I hope you're not afraid of being defeated ? Because it's what you're heading to !" said Billie .

I smiled , for we both knew I was unbeatable at this game , and gave him the joystick. We played a little bit , and then he went back to his home and I went to bed. 

I woke up at 7 AM , precisely when my alarm started ringing . I washed myself , put my clothes , brushed my teeth and went into the kitchen to eat  my breakfast . I was peacefully eating my toast with butter when,  suddenly,  I heard  a police siren and someone kicked my front door so hard that it broke . The last thing I remember is the faces of three policemen , staring at me. 

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⏰ Last updated: May 29, 2020 ⏰

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