haha i u p d a t e d this-
Name: bee
Nicknames (if you have any): uh- i dont think so?- u h- gimme some nicknames- sdhsj
Account: wherestheb-
Pronouns: he/they :))
Face reveal (if you want to show/have shown it): no 😀
Sexuality: panromantic asexual
Likes: yellow
lemonsme m e s
oh and music i guess
B E E S.
Dislikes: a l o t
homophobia, transphobia, etc.,
m a y o n n a i s e
oh also im scared of insects-
Any other info:
-i want crofters
-oh and i act nothing like logan but i promise i can
-Lego people live in a house of their own flesh.
-this is a mess
Admin Book of Information
RandomHey guys! This is a book that has different informations of all of us Admin so you guys can get to know us!