~|4 army of tiny soldiers|~

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As we followed the tiny dogs Delgado kept mumbling about how ridiculous this situation was. "Oh shush you old canine! They helped us and your gonna say thank you before we leave!" I bark. Delgado looks at me with a look a disgust like I just asked him to eat garbage, "I'm not thanking dogs the size of my paw." "Fine! sin abrazos, besos ni nada para el próximo mes!" (no cuddles,kisses or anything for the next month!) I state. Before Delgado could could argue with me I ran forward to walk beside Monte.

******************(Time skip)*********************

We arrived at a huge abandoned building, "santa mierda.." (holy shit..) I gasped out in amazement. Chloe looked at me confused, "what did you just say?" I was about to respond but Delgado stoped me "she said it's beautiful." I look at him confused on why he didn't let me tell her. "She's to elegant and prissy for that kind of talk  mi princesa" Delgado whispered in my ear. I make a 0o0 face and nod in agreement. "Welcome to our home!" Monte says while smiling to himself. Suddenly a little chihuahua starts to pull me away, "H-HEY! W-wait a minute-" "sinorita, we need to get you patched up" the little chihuahua stated as if it was obvious. I noded and started to walk away with the chihuahua before being stoped by Delgado. "Don't I get a kiss goodbye?" Delgado asks fake pouting. "When you say thank you to Monte for saving us than I'll give you all the kisses you want plus-" "a little fun" I whisper the last part loud enough for only Delgado to hear. Delgado perks up a bit but grumbles knowing that he'll have to thank the little chihuahua or else you'll never let him touch you again.

***************(I don't wanna go into more detail on what they do sooooooo  TIME SKIP!)**********

After the chihuahua fixed me up I was resting inside one of the cave like houses. I hear three sets of paws coming my way. Delgado nuzzles my face and licks my forehead, I look at him and push his head away. "You know what you have to do to get my love and affection back Delgado" I say as I sit up. "Come on" he whines. Monte laughs a bit "okay you two, we have to go to the celebration!" "Celebration? What celebration?" Chloe asks. "Well the celebration of your arrival of course!" Monte says happily. I smile down at Monte and say "let's get going then!"
(Fun fact: I listened to songs from the movie coco while writing this! Also APPARENTLY DELGADO MEAN SKINNY IN SPANISH?!)
We walked out of cave like building to find all the chihuahuas looking up at us.

********(sorry another time skip because I dont wanna have to search up all the things Monte says also btw you don't bark when they all bark this is important for later!)********

While we were celebrating I was dragged away by Monte. "Sinorita, can you sing?" He asked. "I mean the dogs at the dog fights used to tell me I was a good singer when I would sing to them to calm them down but I don't know" I shrugged. "Great!" Monte started to drag me back to the celebration and onto a higher ground so the chihuahuas started to pay attention started to look at us. "My warriors! (Y/N) has offered to sing us a song!" Monte announced. "W-wait what!?" I shrieked. "Sinorita, you no bark so why not you sing?" Monte whispered to me. I thought bout it and finally gave in. I sang a classical song, La Llorona.

While I was singing Delgado came up and started to sing with me. I was shocked because he's never sang infront of anyone,only infront of me. At the end of the song all the chihuahuas were barking in pure happiness. I looked at Delgado and smiled happily. He smiled back and gave me a lick and I didn't push him away. In that moment I knew one thing....life was going to be fine.

***********(time skip to the morning)************

I wake up to the feeling of Delgado wraped around me. I smile and start to get up only to be pushed back down. Thinking it was Delgado I turned to him but he was still asleep. I turned my head to face infront of me. I look down and I see Chloe pushing me back down "Chloe I need to go talk to Monte-" "(Y/N), go back to sleep. Me and Monte are going to sort things out so please, get some more sleep. You need it." Chloe reassured me. I wasn't in the mood to argue with her so I complied and laid myself back down next to the love of my life. With a sigh I watched Chloe walk out of the building we were laying in and fell back into an amazing sleep.

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