~| 2 The jorney begins |~

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The parade ended, we hear some dogs running up behind us. "Gracias (y/n)!" One of them shouts to me, "Your my dog Delgado!" A different one yells to my furry mate. All I could do was smile and laugh at there complements. Then I hear Delgado start to walk off while announcing "alright kid see you." I look over at him shocked and quickly start to run over to his side. " Wait! How am I supposed to get home? I'm lost and I want to be found!" Chloe says while running towards us. Delgado turns to face her while he's stopped right in front of the stairs "Number one rule on the streets-" I quickly cut him off "Every dog for themselves right?" I bitterly say while looking a down. Delgado just looks at me in sadness. He walks over to me and nudges me towards the stairs making sure that I don't fall in the process. "Your an exception." I hear him whisper in my ear. I start to blush but it's well hidden behind my fur. I start to walk down the stairs beside Delgado when we her Chloe run up beside us, "where do you need to go?" I hear Delgado question. "Beverly Hills!" "To far..." he reply's. "You guys could live with us in Beverly Hills!" Chloe says hopefully. "Princes- Chloe if you haven't noticed were not the size to be lap dogs" I say. "No but you two would make the perfect guard dogs our old one.... uh... Papi! Ran away!" She says smiling. Delgado looks at her "you had a guard dog named Papi?.... what hotel are you staying at?" I hear Delgado mumble. "So that means you'll help me!" "I would hurry and tell him before he changes his mind" I laugh. All of a sudden me and Delgado stop. "What? What is it!?" Chloe asks. "Hold your breath" I say. "What why do I need to-" I push Chloe into a puddle. "Hey! Ugh why did you do that?!?" She yells at me, I look at her and say "because El Diablo could've caught your scent, I'm sorry." Oh of course he would it's Chanel number five!" Chloe whines. "I don't smell anything..." I hear Delgado say. I whine and walk up to him making sure to nuzzle his neck and give him a few licks on the cheek. "Okay let's get going." I say walking away with Delgado. "Ugh I smell like a wet dog!" "You are a wet dog" I chuckle back at Chloe.


We walk up to Chloe's hotel and look down at her , "I think you guys should stay here, I know it sounds bad but they can be picky when I comes to the dog they let in!" Chloe states. I just look down at her and laugh "I'll take that as a compliment." Delgado chuckles. We watch Chloe walk off and find the entrance to the hotel. "You okay?" I hear Delgado ask. " With the whole El Diablo thing?"
"I'm alright for now. How are you doing with the whole smelling thing?" I reply. "Fine." He simply says. He starts to walk over to the window of the hotels main restaurant to look through, I follow him after and what I saw shocked me. I saw Chloe being poured a glass of doggy champagne and being given a gourmet meal. I pin my ears to the back of my head and turn to Delgado who looked like he didn't care but really I could see the sadness in his eyes. "Tch figures.." he growls as he starts walking off I quickly run after him but stop when I heard a certain squeaky feminine voice "ugh you guys won't believe it they threw me out!" She whines I turn to her and smile I quickly turn back around to call for Delgado but... he wasn't there

The only dog I've ever loved left me just like that... I look back at Chloe sadly and simply just instructed her to follow me. "Where's Delgado?" She questioned. I look down at her with my ears pinned back "He left.."


Chloe and I walked around for a while until we found a cardboard box under a bench, it didn't look very cozy but it was better then nothing. I point it out to Chloe who goes over and lays down in the box. I trot over and lay down curling around her like how a mother curls around her pups. I fell asleep quickly, out of exhaustion and sadness.


I woke up to yelling, I groan and look around to see what's disrupting my sleep and I see Chloe and some other dogs fighting over a churro. "Maldita sea tan temprano en la mañana... perro estúpido" I growl under my breath as I get up. ("Damn so early in the morning ... stupid dog")I walk up behind Chloe while looking at the other dogs ,baring my teeth at them. They all shiver and run away while Chloe laughs. 'Something feels off' I think to myself as I look at Chloe. Something pounces at me latching on to the skin on my neck and biting down hard. I yelp and quickly scratch my attackers face causing them to let go. "Oh sorry (y/n) I thought you were Delgado~" I hear a familiar voice coo. I turn around and attack him causing him to fall backwards. "HANG ON IVE GOT YOU KID!" I hear Delgado yell, causing me to lose focus and get bit on the back. I cry out in pain but push El Diablo off following after Delgado. I run up beside him and glare at him, all he does is flatten his ears. I growl out of frustration but also out of fear.

Delgado quickly makes a dash towards the museum and I follow. He drops Chloe so she can run for herself. We start running up the stairs but Chloe starts to fall behind, "Two paws at a time Chloe!" I yell to her to try and help somewhat. "I only have 2 inch legs you know!!!" She yells back. Soon Delgado turns,and we follow, "This way!" He calls out but all of a sudden he turns around and I look to see a guard, "Not this way!" He yells. As were all running the other way we hit a dead end. "Damnit!" I say. "Delgado what are we gonna do?!?" I hear Chloe cry. "I'm thinking, I'm thinking!" He reply's angrily next thing I knew we were posing as statues in one of the exhibits. I turn to him "why did you leave me?!" I whisper yell to him. He looks at me sadly before answering "Im so sorry mi corazon, I thought you were following me!" He pleaded. "Forget about her what about me?!?" Chloe whisper shouts. "What do you mean your the one that left us first we saw you getting wined and dined!" "Excuse me but the closest thing I got to food was a churro!" I hear a bark and look over to see the guards circling around El Diablo. I turn back to Delgado and coldly say "This conversations over." I start to run toward the exit of the museum, Delgado and Chloe following.

Once we got out I quickly spotted a truck and hopped in motioning for them to follow. Delgado picks up Chloe and jumps into the truck. Me and Delgado lay down Chloe laying in between us.
"Where are we going?" Chloe asked. "A dog smuggler-" Delgado starts. "He smuggles collarless strays like us across the boarder" I finish. "How do you guys know all this stuff?" Chloe asks, then it hits her "Were you guys police dogs! What happened to you guys?" Chloe asks. "Yea and THATS for another day, now get some sleep kid no more questions." Delgado huffs. Chloe lays down falling asleep quickly


I stood up and watched the sky and how beautiful I'm all the stars are. I fell a weight on top of my head and I instantly know it's Delgado, "Still mad?" I stay silent,answering his question. "Look I'm sorry mi amor, I thought you were following me and when I turned around to see you weren't there I started to panic and I looked for you all night." I hear Delgado beg. I sigh and snuggle into his chest "Oh how your my weak spot bebé." He chuckles and licks my head "I love you mi corazon" "I love you too Delgado..."


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