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~Your Pov~

I woke up and looked around, I was hoping to see my dog but I remembered what all happened. 'Four years have passed since the Tattered Spire...since my friends all left me, and since Lord Lucien killed my dog.' I sighed and stared at the leaves over my camp. I was just traveling to travel, I was going to Bloodstone since I had business there and someone had sent me a letter saying they needed my help with something. 'Time to head out...' I thought as I got off my bedroll, I packed everything up and then headed out again. It took me a few hours to get to Bloodstone, I stared at the statue of me that stood near all the shops, I was doing a heroic pose, 'one hundred and twelve gold it took to get this here...and I only did it because I wasn't famous enough to warrant an audience with Reaver...' I sighed as I fixed my pack and looked at the letter. 'The largest house...the person who wanted me to come and help them with something is currently living in Reaver's place?' I arched an eyebrow, I looked out at sea and saw a ship coming into the harbor. That was when I heard a familiar voice shouting at the crew. 'Great...he's back' I rolled my eyes as I walked over to the pier and stood there, "why! Can it be that the great Hero has decided to welcome me back to Albion?" he asked as I rolled my eyes, "actually, I got a letter from someone saying they needed help in your house..." I told him as he smirked. "I was the one that sent you that letter," he told me as he walked off his ship and up to me and I let out a groan. "What do you want Reaver...I'm not taking your damned seal to the Shadow Court again...I still feel bad I gave it to that person I was with so I wasn't turned old or whatever just so you could live forever" I crossed my arms as he gave me a fake gasp.

"I would never ask you to do that again my friend," he spoke as we walked through the streets of Bloodstone. "Liar...life is like a dance to you Reaver...or...like some type of cheating dice game..." I spoke as he chuckled a little. "The real reason I asked you to go to my home before I got home was that I received word that there was some squatters and I wished for you to get rid of them" he told me as he stopped and looked at me. "You're rather good at getting rid of things" he shrugged as I rolled my eyes, "maybe you shouldn't have left...I'm not your damn maid. Besides...aren't you the one who never misses?" I arched an eyebrow as he nodded. "Yes, but I was rather hoping to get home and relax," he spoke as I opened my mouth to say something but was cut off by Theresa appearing before us. "Don't tell me...some large threat has come to Albion and you need our help again" Reaver spoke as I glared at him, "that is correct Reaver...the two fo you must travel North to talk with Hammer...and from there ou must make your way to Samarkand and talk with Garth. I will stay in contact through the Guild Seal..." she said as Reaver sighed, "very well...I suppose I can get this over with...but first I have business with the Shadow Court..." he said as Theresa looked over at him, "I shall deal with them...the two of you should set off immediately." she spoke as I chewed on the inside of my mouth. She turned her attention to me, "something bothering you Little Sparrow?" she asked as I looked at her, "what's threatening Albion this time Theresa?" I asked her as she grew quiet, "an ancient power that not even I have the power to keep at bay...a power that I thought was long gone with the Hero of Oakvale died...your ancestor" she told me, something about her body language was different than what I remembered.

"On your journey, there shall be an old soldier you will meet...you will want him on your side for the future Little Sparrow" she simply said as she disappeared. "What did she mean by she'll deal with the Shadow Court?" Reaver asked as I groaned and rolled my eyes, "let's go deal with these squatter in you home so we can plot our route to the Northern Monks" I said as I started walking and he followed behind me. After we dealt with the people who were staying in Reaver's home, he pulled out some maps of the Northern region and plotted our route to where Hammer was. He was rather quiet which was abnormal as we began our journey. I sighed as we traveled through the woods. "This is rather entertaining isn't it?" he asked as I looked over at him, "yes...yes it is. I've been traveling for the four years all of you guys were off doing whatever it is you were all doing..." I told him as he stared at me, "you're not angry that we all left are you?" he genuinely seemed sincere, "no. Why would I be angry? I was just stating that I've been traveling since you all left. I kept it a secret that Fairfax Castle was my home and I was now a queen. I wondered who this soldier that I was supposed to befriend was and where I was supposed to meet him at. 

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