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I sat at our camp for the night and stared at the fire as Reaver cleaned his gun, I began to hum the song I remembered Hammer singing whenever I first met her. I smiled as I stared at the fire.

"Down by the reeds
Down by the reeds
Swim the sirens of Oakvale
Out to the seas."
I started to sing causing Reaver to stop what he was doing and look at me. I kept my attention on the fire.

"Down by the reeds
Down by the reeds
Float the souls left unbroken
by White Balverines"
I continued and he smiled a little, he reached over to his right and pulled a lute into his lap. He then began to play a small tune. I looked over at him in shock, "my parents insisted I learned to play when I was younger..." he simply said as I chuckled a little.

"Down by the reeds
Night-blooming weeds
Embrace those who go dancing,
In sad moonlit dreams."
I sang as he leaned back against a boulder and continued to play the soft tune.

"Down by the reeds
A twisted path leads
To Banshees who breathe out
A cold winter breeze."

"Nobody knows.
Nobody sees.
The sirens of Oakvale.
Down by the reeds."
I finished singing, he set his lute to the side and clapped. "You sing beautifully," he said as I blushed a little, he grew a small smirk. "Is that a blush I see?" he asked as I groaned, "and you're back to being an asshole" I sighed as I lay back on my bedroll. "That was rather rude of you Sparrow" he spoke as I rolled over, my back facing him, I was done talking for the day. 'Do not fall for him Little Sparrow...he's toxic and not a good person...' I repeated in my mind as I felt my eyelids grow heavy and I fell asleep. I woke up the next day, groaned, stretched, sat up, and looked around the camp. "Good morning" he spoke as I rubbed my eyes, "what are you doing?" I asked still waking up, "cooking us some breakfast before we head back out," he said as I groaned again, I lay back down and watched the fire dance. "I'm so tired..." I mumbled to myself, he looked over at me, "then get some more sleep dear Sparrow" he spoke as I groaned "I can't trust you to wake me up" I mumbled as my eyelids grew heavier and I fell back asleep. I woke up a few hours later due to him waking me. "And you were worried that I wouldn't wake you..." he simply said as I groaned and rubbed my eyes. He sat down and then began to eat some food. I sat up, I looked over at him, "thank you for offering me a plate..." I sighed as he chuckled, "I'm not that rude Sparrow..." he said as he gestured to the plate beside my bedroll. I picked it up and started eating. After a few minutes, we packed up and headed out. Along the way, we ran into a few bandits, Balverines, and other things. We finally reached a small village that thankfully had an inn. "We'd like a room with two beds and two baths drawn at separate times, please" I smiled at the innkeeper who looked very bored, "very well 'Luv..." she then showed us to our room, "thank you," I said to the innkeeper who left the room.

I looked over at Reaver, "well, this room could be better..." he mumbled to himself, "I'm taking the first bath...we're not gonna fight about because though you have skill...I have all three strength, will, and skill...plus I'm a woman and it's common courtesy to let women go first" I said as he smirked, "why don't we just bath together?" he cocked an eyebrow, "absolutely not..." I told him as I removed my weapons and lay on my bed with a loud sigh. 'It's been so long since I lay in a proper bed...I wonder what Logan is doing...' I stare out the window as I began to think about my son. I sighed and sat up. I reached into my pack, pulled out some parchment paper, some ink, and my quill. I walked over to the desk that was there and started writing a letter to him. I explained that it'll take me a bit longer to get home seeing as I had to save the world again, I promised to write him more once I got to where I was going and that he could write back if he wanted. He was only four. "Who are you writing to?" Reaver asked as I let out a sigh, "my son...Logan...he's at my home with his nanny." I told him, "I didn't know you had a son" he sat up from his bed and looked at me, "yeah...and he's my world...I never thought I could really truly love someone until he was born" I told him as I looked at him. "What of his father?" he cocked his head to the side as I chewed on the inside of my mouth. "He was a traveler...well...he was a trader. Bandits attacked him while he was on the road, I then hired someone to watch over Logan for me while I was away...Jasper...but now Logan has been bothering me about a baby sibling...I don't even know if I should have another child yet" I sighed, "perhaps you have not found the right man to have your second child with yet..." Theresa spoke as I jumped, "goodness! Where the hell were you?!" I asked, "dealing with the Shadow Court..." she told me as I sighed, 'have to remember that you can just talk to me through the Guild Seal...' I let out a sigh and began to write again. 'I hope Jasper and Logan get my letter and are able to write back once I get to the Northern Monks temple...I'd love to hear from them.' I smiled to myself.

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