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~Le Time Skip~

I got off my horse, Reaver got off of his and we walked into the guild. "Odd...there's no one here..." I said as we looked around, "we should check around the rooms" he said as I nodded. We walked around and still couldn't find anyone. I checked my grandfather's office and saw he wasn't there either. We met back up in the map room, "find anything?" I asked as he shook his head, "it's like everyone left in the middle of whatever they were doing." he spoke as I grew worried, "we should go talk to our grandson Walter...he might know something" I said as he nodded, we left the guild, I hung a sign saying it was closed for a while. We climbed onto our horses and galloped off. When we reached the castle I jumped off the horse and headed inside. When the guards tried to stop me, I aimed my rifle at them, so there Reaver and I stood, in the middle of the castle with our guns drawn. I was not in the mood to play and wait for an audience. "Everyone stand down!" Walter spoke as the guards looked at him, he walked down the stairs, "they're my grandparents..." he said as the guards looked at us and we all put away our weapons. I walked up to my grandson. " you know where the Heroes went that were in the guild?" I asked as he shook his head. "What do you mean?" he asked, "they're all missing, along with Theresa" Reaver spoke as I nodded.

"Come with me" Walter spoke as we all walked off, we stood in the study, he searched the bookcases. "There was a book here mother used to read to me every night...talking about an ancient evil more ancient than Jack of Blades. The creature required the blood of all heroes, the ones who were in training, and the ones who were already long as they were needed their blood to be summoned...much like Jack of Blades when his followers kill you to bring him back grandmother" he said as I cleared my throat and placed my hand on it. "I remember...his followers needed me to be heartbroken before they could kill me. So they kill Reaver first and then me..." I nodded as Reaver shifted uncomfortably. I still remembered my heaven that I was trapped in when I died. "Exactly like that. But they all have to die in unison. Seeing as the two of you are still here...I'm going to assume that the people who took the heroes haven't killed them yet...because you two would be the last ones they need." he said as I sighed and rubbed my temples. "I would love to go without something threatening the world...just that too much to ask?" I asked as Reaver placed a hand on my shoulder. Just then Theresa appeared, her face was bloodied, she panted, a sword dragged on the floor, her hair was a mess, her outfit was torn in different places, and she nearly fell to the ground. I caught her before she could hit the ground, I sat on my knees as she fell to hers. "I-I tried..." she whispered as she panted, "they were asking questions...wondering w-where Reaver and you were..." she spoke as she looked at me, "I wouldn't tell them...none of us would. I tried to f-fight them all off..." she said as she groaned and placed a hand on her stomach. "But they were too many..." she said as she looked at me, "they're trying to kill us off...I don't know what they wa-..." before she could finish she passed out.

"Theresa!" I shouted as I looked at her, "she's must've taken everything she had left to even get her here" Walter spoke as I moved her hand off of her stomach and saw she had a large cut wound that was bleeding and didn't look like it was going to stop any time soon. "We have to heal her!" I said as Reaver kneeled down and picked her up as if she was his bride, we all left the study room and ran to a bedroom, he lays her down on the bed and then looked at me. "You're the one who has all three...Strength, Skill, and can heal her" he said, I exhaled and nodded. I walked over to her, placed my hands on the cut, closed my eyes, and began to heal her. Once she was fully healed, she didn't wake up,  I looked at Reaver, "she needs to rest" I told them as they nodded. I sighed and rubbed my temples again, "what else does it say about this evil?" Reaver asked as I stared at my hands, 'I didn't know I could even heal...' I chewed on the inside of my mouth (real talk...why is there no healing spell in the Fable games?!) I looked at my sleeping aunt, Walter and Reaver walked out of the room talking about this new evil. "Death is not your destiny today Theresa" I whispered as she groaned slightly, her eyes fluttered open and she looked at me, granted her eyes were pure white, I knew that she could see me. "I do believe that is my line little Sparrow" she spoke as I chuckled, "yes saved my life once before...I think we're even now..." I joked as she smiled, she then sat up, "what happened?" she asked as I sighed, "you passed out. Reaver carried you into this room, and I healed you. I didn't even know I had the power to heal" I said as she looked at me, "it appears, when I passed out, I accidentally passed some of my powers to you. You may keep that power" she spoke as I chuckled, "thanks?" I cocked my head to the side, she went to get out of bed but I stopped her, "you need to rest." I told her as she looked at me, "but there is more to Bloodwing than Walter knows" she spoke, I arched an eyebrow as she tried to get out of bed again but I stopped her. "Your will is drained, it'll take a few days before it can come Theresa...I will go get Reaver and Walter" I said as she groaned and then lay back.

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