The Runner

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  I've seen so many distress signs across the city. On the faces of buildings and storefronts, they exclaim many hopeless outcries. Through many of my journeys into the city, I've seen even more of these horrific signs made with blood on doors and windows inside apartment buildings.
  I come into the concrete jungle, so my community won't have to suffer any longer against the infected that roam outside our walls. I'm a runner and I gather supplies for them, for our future. Whether it's ammunition, food, or building materials, my cause is for so many other people. As they count on me, I focus on my purpose and make sure there is no room for errors.
  Although, the infected are too slow to catch me, there are definitely more of them than there are of us. Every step I take must be well thought out before ever thinking of taking another one. This is about survival. There is no room for ego or mistakes.

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⏰ Last updated: May 26, 2020 ⏰

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