Zombieart Stories

44 Stories

The Zombie Horde Alamo by zombie_inspiration
The Zombie Horde Alamoby zombie_inspiration
A zombie horde was coming towards a worker camp with little hope left for their survival. The living had to fight or die trying.
The Ones Left Alive  by zombie_inspiration
The Ones Left Alive by zombie_inspiration
How does the survivors of the zombie apocalypse deal with what their world has become of it?
The Beginning Of The Apocalypse by zombie_inspiration
The Beginning Of The Apocalypseby zombie_inspiration
The Beginning Of The Apocalypse is how the survivors feel when the first undead falls in front of their eyes.
The Nightfall by zombie_inspiration
The Nightfallby zombie_inspiration
What happens at night changes the world. The undead rise and clutter the world of their decaying mess.
The Banshee Zombie by zombie_inspiration
The Banshee Zombieby zombie_inspiration
A new type of zombie appeared and nobody knows how to fight it. Other than to run from it.
The Freak by zombie_inspiration
The Freakby zombie_inspiration
A new type of zombie mutation has come to light as our survivor is pitted against The Freak
New Age Zombies by zombie_inspiration
New Age Zombiesby zombie_inspiration
Something deadlier lurks in the post zombie era. Nobody knows what it is, other than it could squash zombies like bugs.
The Graveyard by zombie_inspiration
The Graveyardby zombie_inspiration
The government is withholding information about a massive grave site, but what happens with the site is believable..
The Thing He Feared The Most by zombie_inspiration
The Thing He Feared The Mostby zombie_inspiration
On a supply run, Ellis is searching for items of use. He runs into a mutated zombie that he hates the most. Will he make it out?
Long After The Outbreak by zombie_inspiration
Long After The Outbreakby zombie_inspiration
A lone survivor struggles with hope as all they see is death and decay. The world has succumbed to darkness, but they manage to live despite the circumstances.
The Undead Army by zombie_inspiration
The Undead Armyby zombie_inspiration
How does the world react to the new found enemy, The Undead Army?
The World Of A Lonely Man by zombie_inspiration
The World Of A Lonely Manby zombie_inspiration
How does one man, Chuck survive in a world of the undead?
The Aftermath by zombie_inspiration
The Aftermathby zombie_inspiration
What happens after the outbreak of the zombie apocalypse?
The Panicky People by zombie_inspiration
The Panicky Peopleby zombie_inspiration
A swarm of zombies attack men and women as they try to run to safety. With no weapons to defend themselves, the living have no chance for survival.
Glorious Beast Killer by zombie_inspiration
Glorious Beast Killerby zombie_inspiration
Flash Fiction about Nick the mechanic taking on a zombie horde!
The Hermit Of The Apocalypse  by zombie_inspiration
The Hermit Of The Apocalypse by zombie_inspiration
The one who stays inside is the one who stays alive. How would you keep yourself entertained without going insane?
Delta Squad by zombie_inspiration
Delta Squadby zombie_inspiration
A team is tasked to fight against the infected, hoping to save the rest of the community.
World War Z by zombie_inspiration
World War Zby zombie_inspiration
The war of all wars. The battle against the undead will cause death for everything involved. There is a vision of hope, but only if they fight against the zombie force.
The Outbreak  by zombie_inspiration
The Outbreak by zombie_inspiration
The zombie outbreak has hit the city. These are only mere seconds within the void of chaos.