Episode 1- Rookie Mistake

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Each pair walks up but there is only 1 person of each pair. TJ tells each person that they will have to go dig their person out of the dirt with a shovel. Everyone grabs their shovel and runs towards their partner's digging area except for Ashley who forgets her shovel. Everyone finishes except Ashley/Hunter and Mark/Elena. Both pairs race towards the finish line but Mark/Elena finish first. This means that Ashley/Hunter will be going into tonight's elimination. Only for this episode, everyone will vote on one pair to go against Ashley/Hunter in the elimination.

Everyone get to the Main House...

They start to search for their rooms and start to drink. Bayliegh, Swaggy C, Faysal, Hayleigh, Mark, Elena, and Paulie are all talking.

Swaggy C- I think that we can all be in a Big Brother alliance.

Paulie- I would love that actually.

Faysal- So all of us won't say each other's names in the elimination.

Mark- I'm down for that.

TJ comes in for the votes...

TJ- Everyone its time for the Voting Ceremony.

Everyone comes to the living room...

TJ- Everyone will say their vote to me now. Beginning with Paulie/Cara Maria. Please give me your vote and your reasoning.

Paulie/Cara Maria- So we have had beef with this pair since War Of The Worlds 2. So it would be easier for us to vote for them. With that said, we have decided to vote on... Jordan and Tori.

Jordan/Tori- Even though it would make sense for us to throw our vote back at Paulie/Cara. It would just be a waste of a vote because nobody else would vote for them. So we have will vote... Sam/Tehrani.

Everyone finished voting. Jordan/Tori got 2 votes. Joe/Sierra got 5 votes. Sam/Tehrani got 13 votes.

TJ- Since Sam/Tehrani go the most votes, you guys will be going into the elimination against Ashley/Hunter.

At the elimination...

TJ- Welcome to the Killing Floor. This is where every elimination will take place. Tonight, both pairs will be playing "Balls In". Both pairs will take turns trying to put a ball in a basket. There will be a male then female round each time. They will also switch out the offense and defense each round. The first pair to score 3 points will win the elimination.

{Ashley- I know that I can beat Tehrani easily but I don't know if Hunter can beat Sam.}

{Sam- In this elimination, I am going to try my best to just juke Hunter out and score on him.}

Round 1- Hunter is on offense and Sam is on Defense then they will switch. TJ blows the horn and Hunter gives Sam a stare that says "You don't have a chance". Hunter rams into Sam. This causes Sam to fall to the ground. Hunter steps over Sam and throws the ball in the basket. Ashley/Hunter is leading 1-0.

TJ blows the horn and Sam rushes at Hunter. Then, Sam Jukes Hunter out, and Hunter falls to the ground. Sam runs to the basket and throws the ball in. It is tied up 1-1.

Round 2- Ashley is on offense and Tehrani is on defense then they will switch. TJ blows the horn and Ashley hits Tehrani hard but Tehrani is still fighting back. Tehrani gets Ashley to the ground. Tehrani tries to knock the ball out of Ashley's hands but Ashley has a good grip on the ball. Ashley scoots closer and closer to the basket. Finally, Ashely uses all of her power left in her body to push Tehrani off of her. Tehrani falls to the ground and Ashley throws the ball into the basket. Ashley/Hunter leads 2-1.

TJ blows the horn and Tehrani tries to slam Ashley with one hand. But when she goes up Ashley throws a punch at the ball and knocks the ball out of bounds. Ashley/Hunter still leads 2-1.

Round 3- Sam is on offense and Hunter is on defense then they will switch. TJ blows the horn and Sam knows that he can not get pass Hunter so he tries to get a little closer and will try to shoot the ball into the basket. So when Sam tries to shoot the ball, Hunter jumps up and blocks the ball. Ashley/Hunter still leads 2-1.

TJ blows the horn and Hunter runs straight for Sam. Sam tries to tackle Hunter by his legs but Hunter slips out of the hold. Hunter runs for the basket and throws the ball in. Ashley/Hunter wins 3-1.

TJ- Good Job to Ashley/Hunter for winning tonight's elimination. But This means that Sam and Tehrani this ends your time here in South Africa.

Everyone starts to clap as Sam/ Tehrani walks off waving.

{Sam/Tehrani- We tried our best to beat Ashley and Hunter but at the end of the day they were the better team. But, this is not the last that you have seen from Sam and Tehrani because we will be back and we will be smarter and stronger.}

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